The American Reparation Plan 

The American Reparation Plan will put the U.S. economy on path to an ever expanding economy over many years in which America and the world have never seen ever. It will send our economy to the stratosphere.It will be better than the slave trade.The projections into the future will be incalculable and almost invincible on the world stage. The more you got the more good you can do.

The whole idea is to take 1 trillion dollars per year for 30 years for reparations. Oppression is costly. It cost America a whole lot more to oppose Black progress each year because you will never prove that African-Americans are inferior because it's a lie. The cost to keep the ponzi scheme(white supremacy) going is getting astronomically expensive anyway. You are losing this battle.Use some of the trillions it is costing America to marginalize 40 to 60 million people to repair the damage that has been done to us(American citizens). By doing this will pay great dividends for generations to come to eternity. Above all it's the right thing to do. Keep your promise.

Secondly, The American Reparation Plan will cut the welfare rolls about 30%. Now this maybe controversial at first but when you understand that African Americans makes up about 40% of total welfare recepients and that is much too high of percentage in my opinion. To me that's hush money. America is saying that here is a penny of what I owe you. Now be quiet while I stifle you and your worth now and in the future. Let me explain more in details as we move forward.

The third reason will be loved by government officials at all levels. The general public will like it also. There will be more tax revenues at all levels to help the people who need it the most because goods and services will be expanding exponentially. Therefore government agencies will be more responsive.  The genius of the Black entrepreneurs will be unleashed as well as others. We need that. 

The American Reparation Plan will benefit America

The fourth reason why The American Reparation Plan will benefit America and the whole world is because of the far reaching effects of an all inclusive American economy has never been tried before. We don't know how great this economy can be if it is allowed to be a fair system for all its citizens. That's never been tried in the history of this great nation. All of us ought to be willing to try it now. Let's go.

The fifth reason is economic also. When the world knows that the finally Black America is finally getting their "forty acres and a mule" the world will be at our door step with there schemes and plans to participate in this Trillion dollar yearly payout over 30 years. The beauty of the American Reparation Plan is that it will grow the economy so huge ( to use President Trump's favorite word) that soon after beginning this 30 year plan of repairing America,  the job creation will be so tremendous that present day pressures of immigration will be relieved because America will need more workers to keep up with demands of an ever expanding economy. So many more economic benefits will be realized. Our present approach is unsustainable.

I believe The American Reparation Plan will make an infrastructure bill obsolete. When American companies know for certain that a trillion extra dollars will be coming to the neglected Black neighborhoods they will be there waiting and setting up shops, grocery stores(no more fresh food desserts possible) in the inner cities. 

 Look forward to hearing from you.

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Kanye West At The White House 
Kanye is probably using President Trump to download more of his music from Trump supporters and President Trump is using him as a photo op to get more …

Do you really believe that reparations is possible? 
Do you really believe that reparations is possible? It is hard to believe that white America will accept it. I a young professional. I am doing alright. …

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Thank God for Brave "White Men" like John Brennan(CIA Director Under Obama Administration). I am so pleased to see some Strong White Men with "Balls" who are standing up to "The Pharaoh." Events like this give you hope that America can be the moral leader of the world even though progress in this area has been damaged severely. Mr. Brennan and your supporters are recognized here and need to be applauded loudly. You are the real Patriots compared to the ones who try to stifle your opinions as human beings. I get it myself because what you are experiencing is what African Americans have been experiencing for many generations. This is a huge fight but it is winnable no doubt. Justice must win. There is no other option. I have to acknowledge your stance as being on the right side of history. I can only hope that many White Americans will sound their voices loud and clear to support your right to speak out. African American leaders warned the world about The candidate Trump many times in the past.As a matter of fact they shouted it from the mountain top loud and clear. The decision not to support this candidate was a no brainer to me. I am still confused to why so many White Americans voted for this man when the evidence were in and it was not looking good for America at all. Is he or was he America's punishment? I do not know but I do know that I agree with you that He is dividing America even more than ever and that's not a good thing. I hope others are watching your lead and they are able to muster up enough courage to realize that a further  divided nation is what the enemy wants. I am not sure that African Americans can  benefit at all from another nation ruling America. I just think that America will benefit more from free African Americans. Freedom should be all of our goals.

I agree with you on this stance.. It's honorable and patriotic.

African Americans have always been the cash cow or cash crop for America. It was not cotton.

Dear Lord Please save the Lives of the children Trapped in that cave in Thailand. We don't care how you do it. Please do it. Thank You in Advance


Thank you for an answered prayer!!


Next "The American Reparation Plan"

White Supremacy is a Stain on This Nation and The World. 

Founding Fathers, Even for the Slaves? I don't think so.

J.D. Vance was so wrong when he stood against the idea of reparations.In the following statements he responded to Ta-Nehisi Coates' article in The Atlantic entitled "The Case for Reparations."

My response to you Mr. J.D. Vance is "hog wash."

The Trump Card

A Movie trailer is sort of like how I explain immigrants who think they know how America   got to be the greatest nation in the history of the world. They are adamant about their opinions because they have been brainwashed by American propaganda either since they’ve been here or before they got here or a combination of both. They do not have a clue that African Americans played a vital role in them coming here in the first place.