White Supremacy is a Stain on This Nation and The World. 

White Supremacy is a stain on this nation and the world. The last thing this nation and the world need  is to have a defacto President of the world promoting white supremacy around the world. To expect success is unacceptable and dangerous because we all know the history of   white supremacy. It’s a miserable failure and we do not need more. We have had too much destruction already. It seems like one of This President’s purpose in life is to divide America as much as he can just to keep white supremacy support. That part is working like a charm.”Make America Great Again “ is offensive to me  and it is a slap in the face as President Trump intended. He is the divider in Chief.

He and his supporters are questioning the patriotism of notable African Americans but whos patriotism is really in question? It very easy to shout and bask in patriotism when things are going your way. The real test comes when things aren’t going your way.  African Americans have always display an enormous amount of patriotism even though things have never went our way ever in the history of this great nation..

By all metrics we are the epitome of real patriotisms and to question otherwise is a deflection that  I just can’t understand from a logical point of view. If you believe in white supremacy and naturally you have a real problem understanding justice for all because white supremacy says that justice is only owed to White people and the rest is  just secondary. We live in that kind of construct no matter your political persuasion or not the ruling class of America is racist. This explains everything about Black and White progress in this nation better than anything..

It explains why African Americans are at the bottom of the socio economic ladder. It explains white America never intended that Black people would ever be free ever. It explains why “the 40 acres and a mule” promise(promise of inheritance or reparation ) have never been fulfilled. It explains why America is operating at about 20% of what she is capable  because so much energy and treasure is expended in upholding the status quo (white supremacy) of a false doctrine that has never worked in the past and it will never work in the future. President Trump, the Great White hope or the Chief Slave Master has a deep seated hatred for African Americans that’s unlike anything that I have ever seen in modern history.

Certainly he can’t take full blame for the state of race relations in the USA. He did sound the racist alarm loud and clear and yall responded in ways that Black Americans thought were behind us and were unacceptable to most White Americans. We were wrong and shocked that the America we knew was making tons  of progress with racial disparity and this nation was headed in the right direction. So the unthinkable was not possible we thought. We were so blindsided that we are finally recovering from what had happened.

America had elected the most blatant racist regime ever. I say regime because it takes a village to accomplish this. One of my conservative  talk show host in Atlanta asked me do you think that there are 60 million racist in America? I answered that I think it’s more than 60 million racist in America. That ticked him off. Sure do looks like I am right so far. How can you explain why Black progress has been opposed successfully for all these centuries through laws and brutal and illegal acts? It can’t be that African Americans never wanted to be free. Those who think like that are deceiving themselves.

White Supremacy Affects Us All For The Worse Because There is No Good Side of White Supremacy.

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I Think That America's Biggest Problem To Date is White Supremacy. It has costed us So Much. It has impeded our Growth as A nation and as A Civilization. Am I over stating the Effects of White Supremacy?Do you have a contrary Opinion? Share it please. Let's have this conversation!

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White supremacy affects us all for the worse because there is no good side of white supremacy. One thing about white supremacy is that it is as American as apple pie. Practitioners of white supremacy, I think, does not always know they are a racist because it is manifested in white privilege that sometime goes unrecognized because that’s the way it has been all of theirs lives and events and happenings are common place for Black America and White America too. Blacks expect to be discriminated against. So they work harder and try harder to fit in which never happens in the end. This is a sad commentary on the American way of life.

On the anniversary of Charlottesville  this president got the nerves to say we need to come together as Americans .That’s a joke especially when white supremacy rules this nation with a iron fist and he is head of this resurgent  movement . After all he was elected because he was a white supremacist. He played the race cards with precision to get elected in the first place . No other Candidate for President can even compare. I just knew that the America I knew(I thought I knew) would ever elect such a blatant racist to be President.

I think this was such a shocker for African Americans  that some of us are still reeling from the effects even today. Because what it told some of us that our White friends, coworkers, etc.. that we thought we knew were progressive and forward thinking were not at all after all. This hurt in every way when we found out that over 50% of the white women voted for him. That’s a shocking statistic. But it makes so much sense when you view it through the eyes of white supremacy. This was an economic vote in a sense.  This system is rigged against the Black Man. This election was a way to reaffirm that.

Knowing all of this how in the world can the President bring people together when he has spent most of his life separating people and since he’s been in office he has carried on this American tradition. We have always been a divided nation along racial lines and this regime has made things worse. Many African Americans just can’t trust him and I don’t see him getting over 20% of the Black vote ever unless he is willing to sponsor The American Reparation Plan. Now this will literally be his Trump card for re-election for sure and all the accolades  will come along with it. Is he all of a certain feeling compassion and justice for African Americans and people of color?  Well I don’t think so.  Prove it by doing something significant to really help African Americans and not all these phony talking points brought to us by KellyAnne Conway. When you help us you help all  America too. When you work against us you work against all Americans plain and simple.

I tell you this, you will not succeed in bringing people together when the total Trump Administration is all White. That’s not diversity. That’s not representative of the America I know. Check it out for yourself. This administrative looks like the  “White Citizens Council” of The Jim Crow Era. This President and his supporters have set race relations backwards when we as a nation should have our focus on progress. When you see journalists like Charles Hurt of The Washington Times on Fox News Sunday really struggling to find the words to explain support for This Administration it is so embarrassing . This was an awful display of a journalist who obviously was willing to “drank the Trump  kool aid .“ That was a awful display of journalism and even floored Juan Williams.

Why is it such a big deal to cite the Black unemployment statistics when it should be the same as the the rest of America. This is a result of how America holds dearly white supremacy. America needs to be concerned about all Americans. Can’t you see how divided we are. White supremacy is the culprit. How can you bring people together when it will disrupt your base support? Your base do not want unity. White supremacy and justice just can’t coexist in the same space. We’ve  got centuries of evidence to prove it. Why we keep trying to mix the complete opposites? It can’t be done so it is in all of our best interest to practice justice in the application of our laws especially. I do understand that laws will not make people love one another but laws give us a framework for justice.

History has recorded all about slavery and the Atlantic Slave Trade, the Jim Crow Era, Segregation of the Arm forces, killings through lynchings and other heinous acts imposed on African Americans for centuries by White America. You can’t change history . Try with all your might but what is done is done. History is an overwhelming supporter of  reparations. If you are a Trump supporter, how can you justify your support knowing all that you know about the Trump doctrine? It exposes you to labeled as a white supremacy. Sadly the label is accurate most of the time because you knew what you were getting . He called you with the racist dog whistle and you came . How can you call yourself a patriot when everything about this administration is anti Black? Please explain it to me.

If you you are anti Black you are anti American plain and simple. In this so call enlighten age  you have to understand that all people are equal in the eyes of the Lord .. He knows. He made them.You can’t have it both ways. You are cut from the same cloth if you act the same way.  Maybe you are brainwashed to the point that some of you are willing to do the bidding of this rigged system by making life more miserable for African Americans as possible. Either you think African Americans are worthy of 1st class citizenship or you think not. Thank God that he is the real boss in this situation.

Nobody can rewrite history. All of us can learn how to accept the truth about it. Much of African American history have  been skewed. Some time African American history has finessed to fit the pristine narrative so often presented by white supremacy. For example, I understand that some of American history books refer to African American Slaves as immigrants. Now that’s a leap and it’s far from the truth. Even when you hear Kanye West say that slavery was  a choice. Now that’s another big lie. How often we here the term that America is a national of immigrants.

This only partially true. I would say it differently. America is a nation of immigrant, Native Americans and descendants of slave is much more accurate. I think part of the reason all of us try to avoid truthful statements are  because the oppressor and the oppressed is very embarrassed to examine this part of our painful history together. Neither one of us is proud. But the truth is so liberating as I found out when I first discovered that America never intended for African Americans to never ever be free. Now that’s a painful revelation too. It is so painful but is so true and liberating.  I am a truth seeker.

I had another revelation. I always wondered why America   always had difficulty in exporting American style Democracy around the world. One anwer comes to mind.  It takes centuries of Slavery to accomplish what was accomplished in America. America became this gigantic economic power to all except the African Americans who disproportionately contributed  in blood, sweat and tears to “The Land of the free and home of the brave.” The irony of it all is that we were never free and you are wondering why I am still talking about The American Reparatio Plan? Please understand that’s why reparation should be a reality soon and very soon. Now can’t you see why white supremacy is not a viable choice for America. It will continue to debase us as a nation and will continue to divide us too. That’s the job of white supremacy.

Thank God for Brave "White Men" like John Brennan(CIA Director Under Obama Administration). I am so pleased to see some Strong White Men with "Balls" who are standing up to "The Pharaoh." Events like this give you hope that America can be the moral leader of the world even though progress in this area has been damaged severely. Mr. Brennan and your supporters are recognized here and need to be applauded loudly. You are the real Patriots compared to the ones who try to stifle your opinions as human beings. I get it myself because what you are experiencing is what African Americans have been experiencing for many generations. This is a huge fight but it is winnable no doubt. Justice must win. There is no other option. I have to acknowledge your stance as being on the right side of history. I can only hope that many White Americans will sound their voices loud and clear to support your right to speak out. African American leaders warned the world about The candidate Trump many times in the past.As a matter of fact they shouted it from the mountain top loud and clear. The decision not to support this candidate was a no brainer to me. I am still confused to why so many White Americans voted for this man when the evidence were in and it was not looking good for America at all. Is he or was he America's punishment? I do not know but I do know that I agree with you that He is dividing America even more than ever and that's not a good thing. I hope others are watching your lead and they are able to muster up enough courage to realize that a further  divided nation is what the enemy wants. I am not sure that African Americans can  benefit at all from another nation ruling America. I just think that America will benefit more from free African Americans. Freedom should be all of our goals.

I agree with you on this stance.. It's honorable and patriotic.