The American Reparation Plan will be for all African-Americans 21 years and older. All qualified  African Americans  will get on the average about $2500 to $3500 per month over a 30 year period which equals about a million dollars. For obvious reasons I would love to see that younger recipients start out with about  $500/ month for the first few years so when their children get older they will have enough money to educate them and develop some generational wealth for their children, grandchildren, and their great grandchildren and beyond. They still get a little over a million dollars all together.  In other words they will have a long overdue chance to build  a much stronger legacy and inheritance for their families  which presently they have not be able to do simply because they have been robbed of their inheritance.

The American Reparation Plan will eliminate at least 90% of Black people off the welfare rolls. They will not need it. Former welfare recipients will be able to be more productive . Some will start a legitimate businesses . Some will go on to  expand their educational endeavors. They will have the freedom to become all they can be and not be financially enslaved by the government. Therefore  more jobs and opportunities will be created.

 There  will be more monies coming from corporations to improve the infrastructure in the inner cities. This is  intended to facilitate a safe  environment to conduct business ? Now you will find all kinds of businesses and services offered in Black  neighborhoods  that certain companies just never been present in the  African American   neighborhoods .Now you will find  all kinds of goods and services  available to the residents of the Black neighborhoods.

 I think that corporations will  contribute  to improving  the infrastructure of predominantly  Black neighborhoods is  one of the unintended consequences of  The America Reparation Plan. That means we will need  more and more workers to handle an  ever increasing economy.

The American Reparation Plan will Stop Gentrification in Its Tracks.

The American Reparation Plan will stop gentrification in its tracks because behind the problem with gentrification is an age old problem, the lack of money. The plan will give Black residents  ho is facing gentrification  options. You see having money gives you options. Either you can stay and benefit from gentrification or you can sell and get you another home  in some other place.  Or do something else entirely different because you have options and you are no longer desperate.

Imagine this. I can think of so many examples of African American entrepreneurs  who needs  just a little more money to expand his or her business and  would certainly benefit from guaranteed monies every month. For instance, a struggling family moving company could grow large  if  3 or 4 members in the same families could pool their resources to grow a huge business. That’s good for them, the extended family, the neighborhood and the entire nation. You see where I am going? The potential is limitless.

Once again, what’s good for African Americans is  good for America and the world. The opposite is true also. If you are against African Americans you are Anti American. I feel so strongly about it That I think it’s high treason because you are working against America . It is especially true when you work for the Government and you form policies that work against Americans citizens. Think of the types of businesses that can be global.

Let’s think outside the box. The “red lining “ will have to stop then because banks will see the Black Neighborhoods as a smart investment. Besides, more and more Black owned banks will spring up on a small and large scale. More present day banks will give you business loans because there will be in competition to get your business. If you keep in touch you will see that this is a viable plan. I know it will work.  The American Reparation Plan will have laws associated with it to protect the recipients from predators of all kinds.  Money from The American Reparation Plan  can be inherited and willed too.

Let’s talk about it






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Reparations is not going to happen. 
Why do you think that America will pay African American reparations? This country have never done anything to help Black people. White America do not want …

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Dear Lord Please save the Lives of the children Trapped in that cave in Thailand. We don't care how you do it. Please do it. Thank You in Advance


Thank you for an answered prayer!!-------


Next "The American Reparation Plan"

J.D. Vance was so wrong when he stood against the idea of reparations.In the following statements he responded to Ta-Nehisi Coates' article in The Atlantic entitled "The Case for Reparations."

My response to you Mr. J.D. Vance is "hog wash."

I admire Colin Kaepernick because he is a real American Hero

A Movie trailer is sort of like how I explain immigrants who think they know how America   got to be the greatest nation in the history of the world. They are adamant about their opinions because they have been brainwashed by American propaganda either since they’ve been here or before they got here or a combination of both. They do not have a clue that African Americans played a vital role in them coming here in the first place.