This is a open letter to Erick Erickson

This is a open letter to Erick Erickson who is a talk show host on WSB Radio in Atlanta. I was listening to your show a few days ago  and I was so disturbed by something you said. Is it true that you are a preacher? You said it a couple of times. If this is true then it brings to mind other questions. How can you support President Trump and be a preacher? I am serious Sir. Since he has been on the scene he has further divided an already divided nation, the Greatest Nation In the history of world. Certainly you can’t agree with dividing America any further. Can you?. That’s high treason in my opinion. These actions are bad for the country. He  constantly divides Black and White citizens. Blessed are the peacemakers . Aren’t preachers suppose to bring all people together in unity? I heard you on radio and that’s not happening with you.

All is not hopeless but when you said you probably would support Trump again in 2020 without knowing who is his opponent. His opposition may be a better candidate. Then what you gonna do?  Seems to me that your political affiliations is more dominant that your religious affiliations when it should be the other way around. Honestly I can’t see any preacher supporting a President like Trump. He’s a white supremacist and that’s a false doctrine. Seems to me that’s enough to disqualify him in the eyes of a preacher like you and your congregation too. Don’t you agree? You have to agree because he has been more clear in his actions than his rhetoric.

President Trump  practice a high level of  white supremacy. Evidence is all around. You don’t have to wonder if you were mislead earlier in the game. He has proven this to his most ardent supporters. So you can’t say well I didn’t know he was this kind of person. He has spelled it out clearly over and over again. The most glaring example stares us in the face day by day. When he hires somebody for this government you can bet your bottom dollar that person will be white.

For instance, just take a look at the people he hires in this government.

Over 99% of them are white. That’s not the real America. Is it? Seems to me he can do a lot better if he believed in diversity.But everybody is white. That’s not right. He really want to “make America Great Again” by pushing African Americans back to the past days when people like Senator Richard Russell of Georgia was the standard bearer for being a good American(by the way,  U.S. government honors him because he supported lynching of Black Americans. He voted against anti lynching laws during the Jim Crow era).

How can a preacher support that? How can any fair minded person support these policies and practices.He can’t do it honestly.I forgot he can’t support diversity  because he will lose most of his base support because this is how he won in the first place. It appears that you are sold out to this kind of regressive policies and laws that have always damaged some of America’s most loyal citizens,African Americans. In fact these kinds of attitudes have weakened  America as a whole. America is much better when it includes all her citizens and recognize them as 1st class citizens. We are divided.

He sounded the racist alarm and America heard his cry and voted for him just for this reason including you. I say this because being a racist does not bother you enough for you to say that I am not supporting this unjust regime. It should. Being a racist should be a disqualifier. But it is not. Being a racist rallies the support. That’s wicked. That’s sick.

Erick, notice all the pictures of the President’s press meetings are like the ”White Citizens Council of Jim Crow Era.This is a divided country and it is especially dangerous in time of war. But right now  African Americans are the enemy. Do you see how sick this is? He has been the worst president so far for race relations in modern history and that’s alright with you? Seems like we are headed towards another civil war. Which side are you on? Your role is a moral leader. This administration is contrary to that. Sir you are on the wrong side of history and it will be recorded as such. Is it possible for you to make a change?

You can’t let politics be the dominant force in your life. Remember you are a preacher and a moral leader. You mentioned that some of your listeners  don’t understand you because you are in the middle so to speak. A moral leader can not straddle the fence and expect to be effective. Bringing people together should be a priority. Do you think that God gave you this huge platform to advocate for Pharaoh?  Are you supporting a future Furor?Do you feel any guilt at all? How can you justify support for President Trump when you are a preacher and you know deep down inside that you are wrong? You really can’t. You are the person that should be on the forefront opposing important policies and actions that you know is wrong and unjust. You don’t have to be a preacher to know something is wrong with this picture.

This President has continued the white supremacy tradition at a level that should be unacceptable to anybody. You should be offended even more than you admit. This present state is unsustainable and unhealthy for all Americans including you because it makes you look like a white supremacist. I don’t think you are but you need courage to find your voice in this society. This comes across on the radio. White supremacy hurts white people too. It hurts this country so much because it is a false doctrine that affects this entire nation. It hurts whites by making them think they are better than Blacks. That’s a big lie.  White supremacy is just like dealing from the bottom of the deck in a card game. It’s legalize cheating. It does not help the white person because it make that person feels he’s got a right to cheat simply because he is white. That’s a deception nobody should be made to live through. Earn it with hard work and honesty.

How can you be pleased with present state of affairs in America when you know that this President represents a house of cards. He’s a magician. You know what he represents is not real. He represents smoke and mirrors? It’s not real. It looks real but you know deep in your heart that this is a magical trick. Reality will set in after while. Preachers can not fall for this because you have followers depending on you to guide them. It’s the ultimate for all who believe in the afterlife is to go to heaven? Can hate enter the Kingdom? That’s exactly what racism and white supremacy is all about. I’ve learned that hate can not enter  the Kingdom of God. Did I learn that right from your spiritual point of view? Don’t we prepare ourselves here on earth for the afterlife? Isn’t living on earth is a small part of the eternal lives we are destined to live forever and forever and forever? Don’t it make sense to eliminate the hate because hate will be an impediment to everlasting life?

Do you realize that it is time to change the trajectory of this country? Supporting a white supremacy is not the way to move this country forward. You as a moral leader is able to change the direction of this nation. You shouldn’t be on the same team with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. That’s where you are now. Come out from among them and find your own voice. Deviate from the expectations of white supremacy because that’s what they both represent and their efforts have really damaged America gravely. Both of them will serve America better if they were off the air. Both of them have created more  divisions among people. They don’t fight for justice. They don’t talk about justice for African Americans ever.

They never speak against recent events such as the viral video of a  white woman who stood and harassed this young Black man in a St Louis apartment. Never talked about this terrorized 9 year old Black boy was accused of sexually harassing this older white woman. Incidentally,  store video proved that he did not touch her on the butt with his hands. As as a matter of fact, you never talked about it either. Why? I think I know the answer. You can’t talk about it in the present boxed in position of your talk show. What about justice? You suppose to be a champion for justice for all just not just for white people’s justice.  You are missing a great opportunity to change the lives of a lot of people when you do this.

Why are you pushing back against him  calling Stormy Daniels “horse face.” This is small potatoes compared to the damage he and his cohorts are doing to this country. If President Obama had done some of these egregious things he would not only be impeached and removed from office  but it is a real good chance he would be executed by now. Let’s be clear what’s going on right now is out of the ordinary. I can’t believe he’s got support still. He has got situational morals. He wants to win no matter what. You heard him on “60 Minutes”  about Judge Kavanaugh, he said” we won and that’s all that matters.”

How can you support this kind of behavior? You really can’t can you and call yourself a man of God? No way. He’s a Pharaoh.  “Let my people go” should be your message to him but instead you join his support system. Something is wrong with that. He’s on his way to becoming a Dictator. You are supporting him all the way. That’s Shameful. Don’t you believe in Justice for All? Or do you only believe in justice just for the white people? That’s what he has practiced way before he became President and you knew this because where he stood on race was loud and clear . Are you operating from “talking points” because I heard you mentions Black Live Matter as a  divisive organization. Black Live Matters would not even exist if America treated African Americans with justice. Instead we have been dominated for hundreds of years by a system of injustice. You as a preacher should not keep perpetuating this false doctrine. White supremacy is the real culprit. Let’s call it what it is and you as a preacher should be leading the charge. It’s gonna require that you do not be “luke warm.” You have to stand for something or the inner conflict will continue. This is my open letter to you Sir.