Brian Kemp is a Victim of White Supremacy too!

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I Think That America's Biggest Problem To Date is White Supremacy. It has costed us So Much. It has impeded our Growth as A nation and as A Civilization. Am I over stating the Effects of White Supremacy?Do you have a contrary Opinion? Share it please. Let's have this conversation!

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.Brian Kemp is a victim of white supremacy too. Even the staunchest white supremacist knows that this game was rigged against Stacey Abrams from the beginning and she still won in reality. But this rigged systems is trembling to withstand the weight of this chronic injustice. So the question is what do America do to remedy this injustice? America will not do anything unless enough pressure is brought to bear.

“The Brian Kemp proclaimed victory’ is shameful. This is unacceptable in the Great State of Georgia in the 21st century because we are missing the opportunity to move our nation forward. White supremacy holds this nation back from being all it can be because America refuses to bury America’s #1 enemy. This is not just an  opinion. Do some soul searching and you will come to the same conclusion. White supremacy is a false doctrine. If it was so real why do the practitioners have to cheat by dealing from the bottom of the deck to erect a desired outcome by the dominant culture? White supremacy has been so normalize in this society for centuries that it is hard for anybody to see it clearly with their own eyes. White supremacy is as American as apple pie. It is on full display right now in our faces. Can you see it? Let’s do something about it.

The reason I say that Brian Kemp is a victim too because we are getting ready to inaugurate a person that didn’t win fairly. He got less votes and we all know it. This system cheated for him simply because he is White. That’s not justice. If you have justice in your heart you can see this clearly. Perhaps it’s white justice instead  of real justice.Can’t you see the powerful deception of white supremacy here and the sad thing about it that African Americans are practicing white supremacy too. As a matter of fact everybody in this country knows that this is our biggest and dirtiest problem because it is so connected to so many things that holds us back day to day.. How can American be the greatest when it systematically suppress African Americans who I believe is the the most extraordinary race of people in the world today. African American women are the mother of this country without a doubt and the way Stacey Abrams have excelled supports this fact. African Americans have to be 5 times as good as their white counterparts to make less money as they do or to become a Historic Governor of Georgia.

Isn’t this what it is about anyway? The American face is no longer white males all the time. So the white male has to deal from the bottom of the deck to win.This extraordinary woman will upset traditions of this nation so much that it is unacceptable to a rigid system that never intended for Black people to ever be free ever anyway. But thank God that He had a greater idea.  This system is so rigged against African Americans it is embarrassing. America your colors are showing!

African Americans are an extraordinary race of people. They are in a class by themselves and White America help us prove it frequently by putting obstacles in our way to block our progress. All the efforts to prove that Black people are inferior have failed in the past and will continue to fail because we will continue to excel because you have to understand the human spirit can’t be contained because that is the God portion of all humans. You can’t extinguish that eternal fire.This is a teachable moment. White supremacy is a false doctrine.It’s tumbling down. Everybody, Black or White, must reject it. It is causing America to operate at about 20% of what it is capable. That’s a shame and a pity. Can you imagine how great America will be when we are fair to Black America.  We all will prosper then here and all over the world. Right now we are all stuck on this merry go round. You don’t have to love us but just be fair. Right now you are not fair. Stacey Abrams represents Black progress and I often say that what is good for Black people is good for America. If you are holding out hope for white supremacy to work or make sense I hate to disappoint you. It never worked and it never will work because it is a false doctrine that has caused so much destruction in America and around the world. It will always be destructive to both the perpetrator and the victim. You can see Brian Kemp is unhappy with his projected unearned position because he knew this system was rigged in his favor and that was wrong. Check out his demeanor at the press conference with the Governor. He knows this system was rigged in his favor.This is not good for him or his legacy. When you get something don’t you want to earn it with your own blood sweat and tears? I do. You take pride in it then.

African Americans have to stop accepting second class citizenship and White America has to stop imposing it. We perpetuate white supremacy by not speaking out when we see it. That responsibility belongs to all of us. We are better when we are on the same side. United we stand. Divided we fall as a nation. African Americans are not the enemy. We are America’s best friend and America should know that by now. We just want to be free. We want to live in this land with the same opportunities all American have. That is not the case right now. So when we see Stacey Abrams being mistreated and punished just because she is a  Black woman is too much to take. I have to speak out. African Americans are an extraordinary race of people. Every other race of people knows this. It’s time for Black people to realize how great we are too. We have survived unbelievable odds and many of us still prosper and do extraordinary things. It is a known fact when African Americans are given equal opportunities we excel beyond belief. Maybe that got something to do with the fact we are hungry for success. Or maybe that’s a blessing and a curse at the same time because we definitely raise the standards in any industry we are in. Perhaps this makes it harder for others to compete on a equal footing since we go at it very hard once we do get an opportunity to show our talents. We are problem solvers and that what America and the world needs.

I know change is painful sometimes. I can’t even  imagine how painful this moment in history for those who believe in white supremacy.The truth shall set you free. Don’t you want to know the truth? White supremacy is not working and it never worked. It never will work. It’s a false belief.  Get off this merry go round and wake up to reality. Come out of this darkness is my hope for Georgia and all America. Earn your way is a better way to live. It makes you feel good inside. This message is for everybody including Brian Kemp.