Trickle Up Economics Is Exactly What Reparations Is All About

Trickle up economics is exactly what reparations is all about as oppose to trickle down economics made famous during the Reagan  era. I know that both The American Reparation Plan and trickle up economics are radical ideas. But that’s what the US economy needs right now. America needs to do right about Black people. America has never done that yet.  With all this great economic news every month it makes you wonder what is really going on. Something is going on because I know that many African American neighborhoods have not yet recovered from the great recession of 2008. Some of us call it a depression. Maybe somebody is cooking the books? Or maybe  it underscores that trickle down economics do not work because so many Black families are still hurting financially.

It just does not make sense to put more money in the rich man’s pocket  and expect him to share with the rest of us is a stretch at best. Trickle down economics have never worked and it shows now promise of working this time either. Why do the average many fall for this when he only get pennies compare to what the well to do get? There is no real evidence that it works. But  trickle up economics works all the time. The American Reparation Plan is worthy be considered as trickle up economics. This great economy have not trickle down to us yet. We are still waiting.

Something Is Wrong With This Picture

Maybe I am missing something but it always seems that economic booms seems to escape the majority of the African American community. It’s been that way since I’ve been cognizant enough to understand even rudimentary economics. Something is wrong with this picture. I recognize that basic weaknesses and flaws of this system has not changed over the centuries. African Americans have been assigned to the bottom of this society in  every way. Unfair economics is the main way this Nation has been able to crush the dreams of many African American. All of us understand that if you can undermine and controlled the economics of a community you can control them.That is so outdated now and detrimental to all of America.

One thing for sure about this American type democracy is that nobody knows how great it can be really be unless all Americans have an equal opportunity to participate. That is not happening now and has never happened in the history of this country. Nobody can turn back the hands of time. But everyone can try to make things right for African Americans. Every well meaning responsible person can support reparations for sure. The American Reparation Plan is the best deal going now. It will not solve all problems but will go along ways to mend some fences.

Our nation needs to be repaired. This a rigged economic system too.I  am sure it is too because it is not an accident that most African American are at the the very bottom of the economic totem pole. I tell you that unfair economics is the main reason that African Americans are suffering in this economy today and in the past. It was designed this way from the time of the TransAtlantic slave trade up until now.That’s why I believe in The American Reparation Plan. This plan is the main reason I call it trickle up economics. All Americans will benefit from The American Reparation Plan because it will do exactly what it was designed to do. It will repair America. Do you think that America needs to be repaired?

The American Reparation Plan. The Real Trickle Up Economics

Black people have never been paid for the work that our ancestors done to set this Nation on this path to  unparalleled success in the history of the world. Generations of African Americans since slavery time have been prolific in producing an energized economy for all other races except them. We’ve been robbed of our rightful inheritance and our legacy. I just can not understand why some people just don’t get it that we have been so severely damaged and disenfranchised that  any fair minded Government or society would be eager to make things right for those who have suffered and are still suffering from this rigged system as President Trump use to say. He doesn’t say that anymore. I wonder why?

Could it be that he is in the driver seat now and he uses this same system to prevent Blacks from being all that can be in the land of milk and honey?  Our blood, sweat and tears have provided an unbelievable advantage to all other races who have come to these shores. Now it is time for us to prosper from this land of milk and honey just like we have provided for others.

There is no other way to look at the truth. The truth is that America as we know it today never could have been possible with the contributions of African Americans.  We contributed the most in many cases and gained the least and that is by design. America need a economic revolution called The American Reparation Plan. The real trickle up economics. The most radical economic stimulus known to American.

The American Reparation Plan is a 30 year plan. It is not designed to even the playing field but it will give African Americans a real  fighting chance over the next 20 to 30 years to make significant progress . This plan will provide jobs and opportunities to many. It will give opportunities to even the opposition. I know that this is a radical statement but it is so true. When you help the Black man you will indirectly and directly help every other race in the world. Even the pressures of immigration will be lessened.

The genius of The African American  will be acknowledged without restraints. You see what we have done already with the albatross  of white supremacy around our necks and riding on our backs. Yet we have had innumerable accomplishments in every aspect of the American way. What will happen when we are totally free? It is hard to imagine. I predict a GDP(Gross Domestic Product) from anywhere from 9% to 19%. These figures will be a new normal. African Americans will be free to engage in enterprises that honored by all Americans instead of being impeded.

America will be the economic leaders for sure with even more distant between us and China. Maybe they will be borrowing from us then.  We are now crowing about 3% to 4% right now .This present rigged system is a big drag on the economy because too much energy and treasure is used to hold up a system of white supremacy that has never worked in the past and will never work in the future. Our present white supremacy system is a false doctrine that America insists on upholding. This is a typical example of insanity.

40 to 60 million Americans(African Americans) are being utilized to over perform but  get underpaid.. What would happen when real justice comes to America? We are closer than you think. Let’s not make it more painful. The more you resistent the more painful it will be for all of us.Can you imagine what will happen  when the ultimate economic stimulus or the real trickle up economics hit this economy like a ton of bricks? It will be unbelievable.

The American Reparation Plan will be the ultimate example of trickle up economy. It’s time to acknowledge and make a good faith attempt to repair damages done to African Americans for centuries in this Nation. We stood in the gap for so many other families of all races in America. Is it asking too much for America to embrace justice for all Her citizens now? I don’t think so. As a bonus America gets the economic impact of paying it’s bill to Her own citizens.By doing so All Americans will benefit enormously. What a dea! America is not paying a foreign entity. She is making a good faith attempt to do right about African Americans. No amount of money will make it right completely, the oppressed and the oppressor both know this without a doubt,  but I also think that it will really make a real good faith attempt to try to do the right thing. She is paying her own citizens and that’s an investment that will pay off for eternity. What a deal!