Black Women in USA Makes 63 Cents For Every Dollar.....

Harriet Tubman

Black Women in USA makes 63 cents for every dollar paid to white , non-Hispanic men when employed full time,  According to the National Partnership for Women & Families.This is no surprise to me because that’s the way this antiquated white supremacy system is set up in the first place. This is a part of a bigger picture that the White powers to be have known for centuries. America never intended for the Black Man or Black woman to ever to be totally free ever. This truth is so liberating to me. Try it you will like it and it doesn’t matter whether you are Black or White. The truth is so liberating and makes the complicated simple.

It started in this country with the Atlantic Slave Trade, continued beyond slavery in America, continued during reconstruction, continued during Jim Crow, continued through the civil rights era and continues until today. Why you may ask? Money. Money. Money.

Barbara Jordan

African Americans have always been the cash cow or cash crop for America. It was not cotton.

African Americans have always been the cash cow or cash crop for America. It was not cotton. It was free labor that was the cash crop. Now it is cheap labor but the principle is the same. We are signed second class citizenship. It is sort of like a caste system in India. So in reality the American economic system operates nothing like it is prescribed. It is not a free enterprise system at all. Ain’t nothing free about it especially for the Black Man and Black Woman.

The odds are really stacked against all African Americans. This system is designed for us to fail. It just amaze me how successful we’ve been in spite of all the roadblocks. This toughness has always kept our oppressor on his toes. He seems to forget that Almighty God puts part of him in all human beings that causes humans to prospers no matter the pressure and the odds. It is called the human spirit and it’s nothing you can do to kill it. The cream always rises to the top.

In 2018 the Black excellence has been on full display here and world wide.Man we are an incredible race of people History has recorded this and we have ignored it. We certainly need to reflect it in our history books.White supremacy and equal justice cannot coexist in the same space. Now don’t that make sense. Wake up yall. I had to get woke myself. That is why I support reparations 1000% and The American Reparation Plan is the best ticket yet. I’m not saying that because it was birthed through me. Reparations means to repair, the making of amends for wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.  Well that describes accurately Black Women and all African Americans doesn’t it?

Shirley Chisholm

African Americans are so intertwined in this economy and culture that this nation just can’t do without us no matter how hard She tries.The problem comes when we expect justice over white supremacy. That’s right thinking but when white supremacy is a way of life for most Americans, including African American, let’s admit that too, it is difficult to navigate the written and unwritten rules of a racist society. You have to have multi personalities to understand your place in certain situations because none of the rules makes common sense for the entire society.

All people are confused when we look through the prism of white supremacy. I hate it but that is  how I’ve been trained of brainwashed or socialized. For those who can’t take the truth now it’s time to take a deep breath. I often describe white supremacy as dealing from the bottom of the deck. It’s cheating. It is cheating legally and forcefully. It is  immoral. Everything about white supremacy is wrong. It’s a false doctrine. It’s the real “fake news.”

In reality, white supremacy hurts all Americans. It cause Black people to over perform and get underpaid as stated in this study relating to Black Women . Also, It allows White People to get overpaid for minimum work. I know this to be true too from my own experiences. I remembered I trained a White Man to Supervise me. That’s a true story. That’s the real deal that millions of Blacks have been forced to participate in for generations and generations.  Either position is not good for America. Change is knocking at America’s door today.Can you imagine what would happen if the USA was fair to all Her citizens? What a wonderful land America would be. America truly would be “ the shining city on the hill’ as described by President Ronald Reagan or” the true land of milk and honey.” Then when we hear terms like “ Make America Great Again” we can truly say that African Americans are included too. Right now it is offensive to me because America has never been great for Black people never ever and we don’t have to pretend anymore in this Trump Era..

Dorothy Height

 Black Women Are The  Mother Of America

You see, Black Women are the  mother of America . This statement is not symbolism. It is true in every sense of the word. The greatest Nation in the history of the world was disproportionally built by African Americans from the beginning until now. This is an undeniable fact.Let’s acknowledge and celebrate that.

We have never been paid for the work we have done. We were never given our “40 acres and a mule” as promised after the civil war. Had we got the “40 acres and a mule”, do you think we would be in the shape we are in today? This is another reason that I say that America never intended for African Americans to be free ever. All the evidence are there to support my statement.

Black Women are the mother of America.Black Women should be honored and celebrated by all races in the United States except for maybe the Native Americans. African Americans “stood in the gap” for all of you so you could prosper and race your families and now is the time for you to stand in the gap for us and pay  us that “40 acres and a mule” our ancestors earned many times over many years ago.

Black Women gave  birth to the Black children  who disproportionately fueled the riches of the Greatest Nations in the history of the world. The concepts of free enterprise, capitalism, democracy are  foreign to millions of African Americans simply because we have a rigged system that cheats us out of opportunities to be free in every sense of the word.

When we say justice in the USA does it mean white justice only? Most time it does. Just check out the news and you can easily find stories that penalize us just for being Black. That is shameful but the real shame is the lack of outrage about these incidents in White America at large. Since President Trump have been in office it seems to me that not only have the white racist been emboldened to treat Black people like they are sub humans but other whites will not rock the boat because they too busy enjoying white privilege.

Remember America got rich from the cash crop of slavery and subsequent legalized immoral and unethical  treatment of all African Americans. Do you need any more evidence to be convinced that this system is rigged against us? There is no question about it in my vast experience.

In this report about Black Women’s  wages you have to pull out the positive. It is much more impactful and  striking than anything to me. African Americans are an extraordinary race of people. The oppressor knows this clearly. All races around the world know this without a doubt. Why don’t we know it?

African Americans are on the front line of societal evolution(phase use by Rush Limbaugh, I am sure he do not mean it the same way I do), and  so many of us have excelled beyond anybody’s wildest dreams and continues to chart a way for America to lead around the world. In other words, the weight of the whole world is on our shoulders literally. Let’s embrace this GOD assigned role. Disproportionate amount of weight is assigned to Black Women.

African Americans Are The Conscience of This Nation

African Americans are the conscience of this nation and America just can not do what it does in the world without Black people. Can you tell me what other race is so uniquely qualified for this role of being America’s conscience? Nobody even comes close honestly. This our Divine purpose if we only embrace it. For example, who spoke forcefully when This Administration was putting children in cages on our southern borders? Prominent Black people got the ball rolling.

Our positions and roles  in the USA are secure. We need to be paid  some of what America owes us though. We could use the money right now. America needs us to prosper too. America needs this burden of Her Back too. It’s not going to ever go away on its own. Action needs to happen.

Show some respect for Black Women. They are the mother of America in every way.Lighten their burdens. Give them some financial security so they can live out their dreams too counterbalance a some time heartless America. America could never pay the Black Man nor the Black woman for all they have done for the greatest Nation ever in the history of this planet. Make  The American Reparation Plan a reality will be a great start.

America  pay your debt. I continue to say  if you are Anti African American, you are anti American no doubt. In my opinion if you actively work against your own citizens it is treason to me.  That’s been happening for centuries and it is past time to stop. The only way to stop it is to abandon this white supremacy system. It sucks. It deceives us all and keep us divided. Together we stand and divided we fall.

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Aretha was The Greatest Singer In Recorded  Not rated yet
I thought I was the first to discover how great Aretha Franklin was. I remember I was about 9 or 10 years old before I discovered the Queen of Soul. Now …

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I thought I was the first to discover how great Aretha Franklin was. I remember I was about 9 or 10 years old before I discovered the Queen of Soul. Now I am finding out that I was not the 1st. I just can’t believe that because she absolutely the Best singer ever in the Whole World. There is only one Queen and she is it. It does not take away from the rest of the great singers at all. There is no disrespect.

There is one thing that I’ve noticed and I hope nobody else noticed. Some of The Queen’s biggest hits are remakes. These covers are from superstars themselves. “Respect” was a song by Otis Redding, He is a very famous  soul singer.”Say a Little Prayer” was a huge hit for Dionne Warwick. Dionne had many top 10 hits on the Billboard Charts. Burt Bacharach(a super producer at the time) produced this song. The next remake I remember was “Spanish Harlem” by Ben E King who also made “Stand by Me .” He was a Big Star in his time.

My  second favorite  remake was “Bridge over troubled waters” by (Paul)Simon and (Art)Garfunkel. They were huge pop stars. My point is that The Queen (Aretha Franklin) set her goals really high and achieved them. That is why she is the Queen. She aimed for the stars. She deserves to set on top of the mountain. You’ve got a lot confidence in your abilities to cover superstars’ music. She was a gifted child of God.

Honestly all those covered sounds better than the originals. She sounded better than all of them and I like and admire all of them. God gave Aretha Franklin something real special.That’s the honesty truth. Do the research and listen for yourself. She was the greatest singer ever been recorded in my opinion. She was a gift from God. Can’t everybody be the Queen.