The American Reparations Plan Consumed Me

NAmerican Reparations had consumed me. Let’s take a look at how I got here. I was born in slavery because my Dad was a slave. He was a sharecropper much of his life. Sharecropping was another kind of slavery. That’s why I say that “America never intended for African Americans to be free even today .” We are a vital part of this economic system. We are the cash cow of this economic system. In the past it was not cotton. It was free labor that got this Nation off to a great start.

 So that makes me a n..,son of a sharecropper. A sharecropper was a tenant farmer especially in the southern  United States who is provided with credit for seeds, tools, living quarters, and food, who works the land who receives an agreed share of the crops minus charges. That was slavery wasn’t it? It was in our case with Captain Ray in Sparta, Georgia in Hancock County. Captain Ray’s family, you still owe us money for all the times we went without food and clothes growing up.  It Makes me angry when I think about it today.

 We were screwed by a system that was design to hold African Americans back. All White people benefited from this. Don’t tell me to forget about The American Reparation Plan when so many things in recent years have reminded me not to forget about it at all.

I went to segregated schools with inferior books that did not celebrate Black Culture at all. We were socialized to believe in white supremacy. We had to walk to school for mile most of the time when white students road the bus and passed us by and sometimes the white students said unkind things to us to remind us of our secondary status. Many times in warm weather we went bare foot to school. Man we were poor yet we worked all the time making the Slave Master  richer every year. We just couldn’t get off of  this economic merry go round that always seems to end us up in extreme poverty.

 Praise God he was with us though. Thank You Lord! The older I get the more I realize that there is a God above for sure. I wonder do many White People think about God and the After life? To be honest it just don’t seem like many of you do. Because isn’t it taught by the Holy Scriptures that this life here is preparing you for the after life. I don’t want  anybody to be left behind.

 You can’t hate people because God made them Black and Beautiful and think everything is going to be fine no matter what you do just because you can. You have a Higher Force to face. That ain’t the way I was taught.  I am not an expert on this subject  but I can assure you that the road to Heaven is not this way. It can’t be when you are so brutally against your Black brothers and sister. Sorry, you are on the wrong road.

In the 9th grade I went to a predominantly white high school. I went on a program call freedom of choice. I was one of the few African Americans at the school. I was curious. I had no big problems there but I was scared most of  the time  for the first few months. I Made a few friends. So I tried to find my way through this world. Late one evening I was heading to the One of my White Baha’I  friend’s house and the Georgia State Patrol stopped me and sprayed tear gas in my face for no apparent reason. I remember that  there were protests going on in the city I was living at the time.

*The Georgia State Patrol was notoriously mean and nasty to Black people at that time. I say this because today they are some of the best law enforcement  Polices in the whole U.S. I know they ain’t perfect but I cannot recall even having them being caught up in a scandal about killing Black men. This let you know that selection and training of the right people on our police forces is possible.

Don’t recruit officers  at KKK rallies is my advice to the police management teams around the country. It will save lots of Black people lives.

I was always hopeful that the civil rights movement would make improvements to all Americans lives and it did. I understood that people hearts had to change for racial unity to exist but good laws protect us all too. But I am guilty of going to sleep after much success of Black American accomplishments. It seems like I am not the only one. I’m just saying.

I want to apologize to everybody under 40 years old especially the Black male. My generation dropped the ball.  I was complacent. I was not woke. I am woke now.  I had not come to the conclusion that “America never intended for African Americans to be free even today.” That’s a hard pill to swallow. We have to change that narrative. I was willing to settle.  All these great accomplishments by African Americans  was just mind boggling and it still is. I thought that White America had got the memo that All men are created equal by Almighty God and is backed up by the USA constitution.

I was wrong. Man I was wrong. Bear with me I will get to why The American Reparation Plan will repair America at large. It is not a panacea but it will eliminate so many persistent problems in America. I am certain of that.

Four years ago I went to have my driver’s license renewed in the the great State of Georgia. When I got there the law made me feel that I was no longer a citizen of the USA. The people behind the counter were Black but they were following the laws according to changes set forth. I had to prove who I was as if I was an immigrant to America. I had to get a certified birth certificate, my old driver’s license could not prove who I was even though it was issued by the State of Georgia repeatedly for over 40 years. Then I presented a valid State of Georgia issued I D card. Every thing that ever had to prove identity was not good enough for the state even the State of Georgia issued it all. Then I had to go to the social security administration to get a  Social Security Card.

None of this made sense at the time. I still don’t know why it happened to me .  I truly understand now It woke me up to the point that I sleep and breathe reparations. I will continue to get the message out as long as I am able. I never thought about reparations before in my life. I was willing to take the uneven playing field as it was if White America got out of my way so I could progress and be all I can be in Great America experiment. I knew that African Americans had the hustle and the intestinal fortitude to make up the distance in a few years even though White America is on the 80 yard tine and we are on the 20 yard line. That didn’t happen either.


The American Reparation  Plan  will benefit all America when Applied as Prescribed.

Now God has given me a plan that will work absolutely.  The wonderful thing about The American Reparation  Plan is that when it is applied as prescribed it will benefit all America, including White Folks, let’s make that clear and the whole world too. Let me say this again, when you help African Americans you help  America. When you are against African Americans you are  anti America and that is treason in my opinion and it always been that way.

I was so angry I call my older sister and vented to her. I was angry for about 2 weeks. Man I was hot. I wondered did anybody else feel the way I did. Did they experience this type of betrayal from a Government that suppose  to protect and serve you? 

I jokingly told my sister that I was going to be DEPORTED!  Ain’t that ridiculous ? I can’t prove who I am after all these years plus I was a descendants of slaves. I thought that we get me in.


 Long story short, DMV gave me a temporary license for 90 days while I went through the extra expense of getting these documents from the state of Georgia. I was still angry but I knew  that I had to do something about it. It was going to eat me alive if did not something about it.

One day something inside said that “ what your are fighting for is not big enough.” It came to me plain as the nose on my face that reparation for African Americans is the way forward. I got excited. I thought that finally Black America will finally get their “40 acres and a mule.” At the root of this is  Money. Can I get a Amen?

Can you imagine what would happen if African Americans were paid some of what they are owed?  Oh happy days !! The world will benefit.  What would you do?

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Dear Lord Please save the Lives of the children Trapped in that cave in Thailand. We don't care how you do it. Please do it. Thank You in Advance


Thank you for an answered prayer!!


Next "The American Reparation Plan"

A Movie trailer is sort of like how I explain immigrants who think they know how America   got to be the greatest nation in the history of the world. They are adamant about their opinions because they have been brainwashed by American propaganda either since they’ve been here or before they got here or a combination of both. They do not have a clue that African Americans played a vital role in them coming here in the first place.

J.D. Vance was so wrong when he stood against the idea of reparations.In the following statements he responded to Ta-Nehisi Coates' article in The Atlantic entitled "The Case for Reparations."

My response to you Mr. J.D. Vance is "hog wash."

I admire Colin Kaepernick because he is a real American Hero

Founding Father, Even for the Slaves? I don't think so.