Black Lives Matter is a Controversial Term in a Lot of Circles.

Black lives matter is a controversial term in a lot of circles. Why? It’s hard to explain why people are against Black lives matter and millions are so in love with “make America great Again” which is obvious offensive to millions of African Americans but many White Americans seems to relish a racist statement like this. Living in America has never been great for the Black man from the beginning of this nation even to the present time.
Can anybody really celebrate a time when African Americans enjoyed the same privileges as White Americans have always enjoyed for centuries. All other races in this country enjoy more rights than the Black man and you wonder why such groups as “Black Lives Matter” even have a reason to exist. We can’t celebrate anything that fails to acknowledge pure human decency and equal justice for all.
The original man on earth was a Black. Scientists have proven this time and time again. So those White people who hate Black people are really shocked to know that all our ancestors are Black deep into history. Even in Europe the DNA from a 10,000 year old skeleton in an English cave suggests the oldest known Briton had dark skin and blue eyes. There is no questions about the the earliest fossils of homo sapiens is located somewhere in Africa. Today what scientists know is consistently focused on the Continent of Africa.

The Original Man on Earth Was  Black.

The original man on earth was a Black. Scientists have proven this time and time again. So those White people who hate Black people are really shocked to know that all our ancestors are Black deep into history. Even in Europe the DNA from a 10,000 year old skeleton in an English cave suggests the oldest known Briton had dark skin and blue eyes. There is no questions about the the earliest fossils of homo sapiens is located somewhere in Africa. Today what scientists know is consistently focused on the Continent of Africa.

We are all Africans  right now. Why are some whites having a conniption when African Americans wants to remind the world that Black lives matters too? Why is it hard for some  African Americans to believe that their heritage is an extraordinary accomplishment here in American, in the motherland and around the world? I can honestly say that this system of white supremacy is the answer to both of these questions.

I often say that African Americans are an extraordinary race of people. I really can’t see why many African Americans can’t see that for themselves. This the crucial question. We have been robbed of our inheritance and our heritage. I fully support the The American Reparation Plan as a way forward to repair this nation. Anytime you help African Americans you help America. When you work against African Americans you work against America. Working against citizens based solely on race is treasons as far as I am concerned. Black lives matters to America whether you admit it or not.

It’s a costly proposition because it artificially retard the growth of this Great Nation. It is imperative that America stand up for all Her citizens so that they can be all they can be. As a result American will be all She can be. That’s common sense. The problem is that America started on the wrong foot and it has never recovered. Many White chose to kick the can down the road for generations and generations and now we find ourselves in this predicament today.  We are experiencing a backlash of white supremacy unlike anything in my 64 years.

Black Lives Matters is Not a Dirty Term.

We are headed to a dead end. The next step is the cliff. It seems that going over the cliff is preferable to including Black people in the decision making process of this country. Putting kids in cages is a disgrace to this country. Are we heading back to the “Jim Crow era? I hope not. Thank God that there are high profile Black people who are speaking out against this unacceptable approach. But where are the white people who are speaking out for inclusion for all races? Where are you? This approach celebrate division, injustices and  discrimination against people of color especial African Americans.

We have a President who thinks he is a slave master. There are many others who think they are the assistant slave masters. Have you noticed that mostly all his administration is White. Reminds me of the “White Citizens Council” during the “Jim Crow Era.” I am not exaggerating at all either . Check it out for yourself.  Don’t take my word. Everybody is white. All white people is not a good representation of America by a long shot. I knew that the Supreme Court nominee was going to be white. That was a given.

You can’t blame all this division on President Trump alone because he sent out the very  racist “dog whistle” and the very loud white supremacy “siren” and yall responded in a big way. In other words, Yall knew what you were getting way ahead of time to make an informed decision.  You can’t say I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. You decided on the racist and that says a lot about you America. African Americans new that we were living in a rigged societal system and  we thought that progress was steady.

The election of President Trump was a slap in the face by White America. At the time it seemed like a huge set  back. But now I don’t feel that way. I think that this is an opportunity to continue to spotlight Black Excellence that flies in the face of white supremacy. You can’t explain away unbelievable Black progress since President Trump has been in office. Milestone after milestone  of accomplishment is being logged under this regime in spite of every effort to stop African American progress. That’s really cool.

There is no doubt there is a big GOD.. I’ve noticed that Black excellence has always been apart of this American experiment but it is so much sweeter in the face of exhaustive efforts to impede any Black progress. That excites me.  Remember if you are anti African Americans you are anti America plain and simple. There no other way to look at it. We should be protecting ourselves from foreign powers of course. But we shouldn’t have to protect ourselves from our fellow citizens and our Governmental Agencies.

We are always in a perpetual war. I have to admit that some of us are tire and weary but we have no other choice but to continue to fight for justice.We will win in the end. The end is very soon because God is surely on our side. He is on the side of Justice. Black lives matter too and The American Reparation Plan will become a reality soon. Reparations means to repair. The American Reparation Plan will repair America in many ways.

Think about it. You can’t think of another race of people who has been through as much but has achieved unbelievable progress.  We are an extraordinary race of people. I am feeling good to be Black right about here. You have to remember that God puts a spirit in all of his children. What we are witnessing right now on full display is the human spirit working to survive and prosper in a big way. No matter what is brought to bear against us will fail. The Human Spirit can’t defeated. Try if you like but you will fail.  You might as well give up and become a part of the solution instead of the problem. America need African Americans more now than in slavery time.

We are still the cash cow of this economy. That’s why it is so tough for us to be free. America is addicted to cheap labor and this rigged system.The oppressor is not free either.Change is a hard thing to deal with but it is more possible now than ever but it certainly going to be painful. We have lived a life under a false doctrine call white supremacy and just to talk about it is painful. But it is necessary.

When it comes down to the truth this is something America has to come to grips.  To know that this Nation was built on a very skewed premise and now the chickens are coming home to roost is very revealing. Seems to me you have to rebuild the, moral, social and legal infrastructure of the Greatest Nation in the history of the world. Doing so you will have to acknowledge the vital role that slaves and their ancestors played in building this “ shining city on a hill” spoken of by President Reagan years ago.

In order to come close to this ideal position of the most just nation in the history of the world this Nation has to pay its debt to the African Americans who disproportionately built this nation. You can’t deny what we did. It’s undeniable. History has recorded it. So when I see people like The President, Jerry Jones, John Schnatter, J.D.Vance, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Roseanne Barr and Laura Ingram advertise white supremacy beliefs it makes me feel really sad because I know for sure they are living a false doctrine. White supremacy is the real fake news.

I am very hopeful when I see notable African Americans speak out for justice at considerable risk. People like John Lewis, Colin Kaepernick, Lebron James, Dez Bryant and a few others speaking out for justice for all people makes it hopeful. We need more White Americans speaking out and getting involved to abolish injustices in the USA first. African Americans are the conscience of this Nation. When the Government put the children in the cages on our southern border African Americans spoke out forcefully.

Black Lives Matters is not a dirty term. When all people are treated with respect and dignity and justice there will be no need for any such organization to exist. Let’s not get in a tizzy when we hear African Americans fighting for justice for everyone. That’s what we do. So let’s embrace that role. I am proud of it even though many times we have a hard time getting others to support us.

I thought I was the first to discover how great Aretha Franklin was. I remember I was about 9 or 10 years old before I discovered the Queen of Soul. Now I am finding out that I was not the 1st. I just can’t believe that because she absolutely the Best singer ever in the Whole World. There is only one Queen and she is it. It does not take away from the rest of the great singers at all. There is no disrespect.

There is one thing that I’ve noticed and I hope nobody else noticed. Some of The Queen’s biggest hits are remakes. These covers are from superstars themselves. “Respect” was a song by Otis Redding, He is a very famous  soul singer.”Say a Little Prayer” was a huge hit for Dionne Warwick. Dionne had many top 10 hits on the Billboard Charts. Burt Bacharach(a super producer at the time) produced this song. The next remake I remember was “Spanish Harlem” by Ben E King who also made “Stand by Me .” He was a Big Star in his time.

My  second favorite  remake was “Bridge over troubled waters” by (Paul)Simon and (Art)Garfunkel. They were huge pop stars. My point is that The Queen (Aretha Franklin) set her goals really high and achieved them. That is why she is the Queen. She aimed for the stars. She deserves to set on top of the mountain. You’ve got a lot confidence in your abilities to cover superstars’ music. She was a gifted child of God.

Honestly all those covered sounds better than the originals. She sounded better than all of them and I like and admire all of them. God gave Aretha Franklin something real special.That’s the honesty truth. Do the research and listen for yourself. She was the greatest singer ever been recorded in my opinion. She was a gift from God. Can’t everybody be the Queen.

Thank God for Brave "White Men" like John Brennan(CIA Director Under Obama Administration). I am so pleased to see some Strong White Men with "Balls" who are standing up to "The Pharaoh." Events like this give you hope that America can be the moral leader of the world even though progress in this area has been damaged severely. Mr. Brennan and your supporters are recognized here and need to be applauded loudly. You are the real Patriots compared to the ones who try to stifle your opinions as human beings. I get it myself because what you are experiencing is what African Americans have been experiencing for many generations. This is a huge fight but it is winnable no doubt. Justice must win. There is no other option. I have to acknowledge your stance as being on the right side of history. I can only hope that many White Americans will sound their voices loud and clear to support your right to speak out. African American leaders warned the world about The candidate Trump many times in the past.As a matter of fact they shouted it from the mountain top loud and clear. The decision not to support this candidate was a no brainer to me. I am still confused to why so many White Americans voted for this man when the evidence were in and it was not looking good for America at all. Is he or was he America's punishment? I do not know but I do know that I agree with you that He is dividing America even more than ever and that's not a good thing. I hope others are watching your lead and they are able to muster up enough courage to realize that a further  divided nation is what the enemy wants. I am not sure that African Americans can  benefit at all from another nation ruling America. I just think that America will benefit more from free African Americans. Freedom should be all of our goals.

I agree with you on this stance.. It's honorable and patriotic.