A Movie Trailer

A  movie trailer (also known as a preview or coming attraction) is a commercial advertisement for a feature film that will be exhibited in the future at a cinema, the result of creative and technical work. The term "trailer" comes from their having originally been shown at the end of a feature film screening

A Movie trailer is sort of like how I explain immigrants who think they know how America   got to be the greatest nation in the history of the world. They are adamant about their opinions because they have been brainwashed by American propaganda either since they’ve been here or before they got here or a combination of both. They do not have a clue that African Americans played a vital role in them coming here in the first place.

 Also they don’t have a clue that since they have been placed higher in  the pecking order only because of a system that is rigged against the Black man way before they arrived on these shores.  This gives them an advantage over African American citizens even though some of them are not yet citizens but they enjoy better opportunities than African American citizens who are descendants of slaves who gave them this opportunity in the first place. How wrong is that?

Slavery contributed more to this country than anything. It was not the cotton that was the cash crop it was the free labor that set this nation on the path to a the Super Power we know today. African American has been the Cash Cow for America since its formation and we are still is today.

We are the“crack” that makes this system work. Honestly, “The American Reparation Plan” will not change that our very important role. What it will do is change the way we do business in America. Once again we will be the Cash Cow by creating an economy that has never been seen before. The rivals in the world economy will be a “huge” distant 2nd or 3rd. We want have to worry about China’s economy ever overtaking ours never in the distant future.

Why?  Because America will finally unleash the genius of African Americans instead of systematically oppressing them. What a day that will be.  Slavery and other subsequent legalized and non legal efforts to marginalize African Americans made it possible for many groups to prosper.

He’s operating on the “movie trailer” information syndrome.

I remember communicating with a white radio host In the Holy City of Atlanta. He was second generation French Canadian trying to assimilate into white supremacy south. I found him to be more anti African American  progress than most multi generational white southerners.  He was more adamant a racist than most white southerners could ever be. He’s sold out to this ideology.  White supremacy is fake news. He does not seems to understand the game. He seems to think that Slavery and legalize discrimination shouldn’t have had any effect on Black progress at all. He believes in pulling yourself up by your own “boot straps” even though I have proven that he was helped by my people to get here and right now he is being helped by Black people to make a good living in the Atlanta area. He hosts a conservative talk show sometimes. Now where would the ‘conservative show”  be without African Americans to “dump” on daily.   Nowhere. You see All America needs us. Sometimes they need us to be the “boogie man.” He does not see a “rigged system” against The Black man at all. He is a very rigid man with a very closed mind.

He’s operating on the “movie trailer” information syndrome. He don’t understand that this movie have  been going on for hours and hours and he has only been involved for only  15 minutes. When I told him that in essence he’s a” newbie” he really got angry. You cannot understand what’s going on in 15 minutes.

There is a lot that you do not know that you need to know. You are being used too. Seek to find out how we really got here in the Great USA. Blacks played a huge role. Seek to understand American history. Find out about the incredible journey of the Black man in America. To know the truth about our history you have to learn more about us. The 15 minutes is not enough to fully appreciate how incredible we are.  We paved the way for you to be here.

 He reminds me of some of the Black White Supremacist that exist in our society. I see them all the time of T.V. and the internet. There is very little hope for them. They are completely brainwashed. They think that white people are superior and there is zero evidence to prove it.

I used the movie trailer example with three Nigerians

I used the movie trailer example with three Nigerians who I took to church one Sunday morning when I was driving for uber. I started the conversation by  saying that I am  descendant of a former slave. They said don’t say that. That’s degrading. The conversation evolved from slavery to reparations. I told them that African Americans are the reason you are in the United States. I am proud of that. We are the reason you have such great opportunities here.  They agreed. I said enjoy it and take advantage of every opportunity that African Americans have provided for you. I said you have to remember that we are responsible for all races that migrated to the United States Black , White, Blue or green or anything in between. The only exception I can think of is the American Indians.

I explained to them even they are higher up the pecking order than African Americans. They are They don’t have to worry about being abused by the police like we do.

“I said jokingly that if you get stopped by the police please speak with a very strong Nigerian accent, they let you go without any problems.”

Now they were in my car for no more than 20 minutes but in that short time I’ve encouraged them to see more of the movie of America and not just focus only on the “movie trailer.” They promised they would read and learn more about African American history. I said you will find your relatives an unbelievable race of people. We played a huge role in the building of America as you know it.  I can assure you that the Nigerians who have been here for generations have a different view of African Americans and America. They understand the propaganda.

I hear this immigrant man named Asia on Rashad Richey’s show on WAOK radio in the Holy City of Atlanta. Now he is a typical example of white supremacy. I don’t think he’s white either. He believes that white is better. He seems to dismiss the contributions of African Americans in this society too He is  ignorant to our contributions.

 Asia, we are the reason you are here. The opportunities that you enjoy are heavily financed by my ancestors. Show some respected. Stop watching the “movie trailer.”  Make it urgent to learn  about the people who financed your trip here and gave you a better opportunity than most African Americans even have for themselves today. Be grateful.


Thank God for Brave "White Men" like John Brennan(CIA Director Under Obama Administration). I am so pleased to see some Strong White Men with "Balls" who are standing up to "The Pharaoh." Events like this give you hope that America can be the moral leader of the world even though progress in this area has been damaged severely. Mr. Brennan and your supporters are recognized here and need to be applauded loudly. You are the real Patriots compared to the ones who try to stifle your opinions as human beings. I get it myself because what you are experiencing is what African Americans have been experiencing for many generations. This is a huge fight but it is winnable no doubt. Justice must win. There is no other option. I have to acknowledge your stance as being on the right side of history. I can only hope that many White Americans will sound their voices loud and clear to support your right to speak out. African American leaders warned the world about The candidate Trump many times in the past.As a matter of fact they shouted it from the mountain top loud and clear. The decision not to support this candidate was a no brainer to me. I am still confused to why so many White Americans voted for this man when the evidence were in and it was not looking good for America at all. Is he or was he America's punishment? I do not know but I do know that I agree with you that He is dividing America even more than ever and that's not a good thing. I hope others are watching your lead and they are able to muster up enough courage to realize that a further  divided nation is what the enemy wants. I am not sure that African Americans can  benefit at all from another nation ruling America. I just think that America will benefit more from free African Americans. Freedom should be all of our goals.

I agree with you on this stance.. It's honorable and patriotic.

Founding Father, Even for the Slaves? I don't think so.

I admire Colin Kaepernick because he is a real American Hero