Colin Kaepernick Is A Hero of Mine  Because He Stands For Justice

Colin Kaepernick is a hero of mine because he stands for justice. Justice is what everybody needs and appreciates now. With everything going on in the NFL it seems that so much of this is all related to him for good or for bad depends which side of the so called kneeling issue you are on. The NFL Owners needs clarification on what owners are in this situation.

This is not slavery time in the USA and you don’t own other human beings. It seems like some of the owner are confused as to their role in this complicated world. Some of them make this world even more complicated by holding on to the status quo of white supremacy. The Black players do not belong to you. Don’t be a puppet of President Trump. It’s a not a winning  situation for you  ever in the foreseeable future because there is no justice.

The best thing to do is realize that we are all living a white supremacy mindset. That kind of thinking has permeated our society but it’s a false doctrine. It’s the real fake news. Who in their right mind thinks that one race is superior to all others races. That’s ludicrous. Unrelenting efforts should be use to dispel all things that are associated with bolstering white supremacy.

America Has To Stop Shooting Herself In The Foot

America has to stop shooting itself in the foot by upholding a system that is design to impede America’s progress. As I say so often, when you hold African Americans back you hold America back. It is just that simple. That’s why I know for sure that America has to deal with reparations. The American Reparation Plan is the best way forward. You can’t run and you can’t hide from justice for 40 to 60 million Americans.

If justice for all is a the top priority of this nation we wouldn't be having the questions about the NFL kneeling, police killings or Whites calling police on Blacks people just for being Black. This is why I say that racism permeates this American society. It's the albatross around America's neck. Kicking the can down the road will not solve the problem. White America has to face it head on. Look in the mirror America. That's the only way to solve this #1 problem. It's not going away. You can't blame it all on President Trump. He called yall and yall answered. You couldn't have answered if you weren’t there listening. This is a huge American problem.

Spotlighted is the fact that America is having an overdue discussion on how white supremacy is as American as apple pie. We are brainwashed so completely that right is wrong and wrong is right. How can we solve problems looking through the lens of white supremacy?  It has never worked and it will never work. Is America getting what she has set in motion for generations? This rigged system is so normalize that up is down and down is up. African Americans are tired of playing the second class citizenship game. I am so glad that segments of America are finally waking up. It’s about time.

 Colin Kaepernick Has Pointed All Of Us Towards Justice

More importantly, Colin Kaepernick has pointed all of us towards justice. There is no excuse for not knowing the right way because we all can be informed if we really want to be because the truth is abundantly available. Additionally we are witnessing upfront and personal the fact that when Black people are given an equal opportunity to perform they can be excellent in every situation. Today’s NFL is probably one of the best examples  of this wonder. It also highlights glaring flaws of the white supremacy way of life.

I am so glad we are having this conversation because we are focusing on the truth finally. For instance, when you focus on white supremacy that works against the white person too and we all get screwed in the long haul. Here’s why. If you depend on white supremacy being the way of life what happens when you really have to compete on an even playing field? Pardon my pun once again. You will fail miserably. Resist depending on this rigged system and be truly just to all people. Is this the greatest fear of White America because if African Americans performed this well in all endeavors we will be dominating everything possibly? That’s a real fear. But white America has to prepare themselves starting right now because you know that day is coming sooner or later where you want be able to rely on a system that favors you simply because you are white. Now you know that don’t even sound right. But presently we all know that is true no matter what race you belong.

 I prefer to change this system right  now. You may prefer the change to come l later. Later is the wrong choice because it will be even more painful and a lot more expensive.  So  can’t you see how white supremacy is holding all of us back(Black men and white men alike).  A nation divided against itself is what the enemy takes pleasure in. There is no question that we are divided but we pledge an allegiance to a flag that always have divided us. Let’s use that same flag to unify us for the first time in our history.  So white America don’t have a ‘hissy fit’ when glaring injustices are pointed out by people like Colin Kaepernick and  organizations like the Black Lives Matters movement.

 The best approach to limiting the effectiveness of  such a movement is to eliminate the  need  by being fair and just to every human being especially Black people because you have never been fair to us. Make America Great again is offensive to me because it has never been great to African Americans. This movement is a slap in the face for me. I think it was intended that way but Black excellence has been on display especially this year in the face of unprecedented  attacks on African American in numerous ways. We are an extraordinary race of people. All races know this too. We are legendary. That’s amazing  

Can you remember a time in history when it was great for us?  Think about it for a minute. No you can’t. Ok. It makes sense to me because we all love America. But America is probably operating at about 20% of what She’s  capable. Too much treasure is used to defend a false doctrine. White supremacy is killing us. That’s another pun to pardon. I know for sure that African Americans are a victim of racism in every unimaginable way and that plays out on the news day by day every day for real.


I admire Colin Kaepernick because he is a real American Hero. I know that he actually believes what is protesting. It is so easy to go along just to get along. He chose not this way. He's got balls. I think he's a real hero. He's made great sacrifices by calling attention to police brutality towards African Americans. So far he's winning and his name will be remembered in the history books when many of his foes will not be remembered at all.

This country started out on the wrong foot. In the early years of this greatest nation ever in the history of the world much of its wealth were gained through slavery. That’s an undeniable fact. All races that migrated here have benefited from my ancestors’ labor except for Native Americans. The man who wrote the Stars Spangled Banner owner six slaves himself but later set them free. His wife inherited slaves. Generational wealth from slave ownership was passed on to his family and others by destroying many other African American families for generations too. That’s a devastating truth for all of us to acknowledge. It’s not beautiful is it? But it is the cold truth. It’s another overwhelming case for reparations. The American Reparation Plan is the best plan for a time like this.

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Why Do Sometimes So Many White Americans have A "HIZZY FIT" about the Kneeling and the Protesting of African American Football Players? Why Is It So Hard For Some Whites to Identify and Sympathize with the Plight of Their African American Brothers? Share it!

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Congratulations Colin Kaepernick, Nike, and America Not rated yet
I want to Congratulate Colin Kaepernick,Nike and America. This is good news for all of us. Even the white supremacist who strongly oppose to justice for …

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The NFL Owners Are Still Being Bullied By The Chief Slave Master.

 Owning other people and passing them and their families as property to the next generation is too painful for us to talk about also because no Black person I know is proud to talk about their ancestors as slaves and I certainly hope that you are not proud of the fact that your ancestors bought and sold us like animals. Does it bother you? It turns my stomach inside out. I know this is our American history that we are not proud to acknowledge. It’s shocking how organize this crime was.

Seems to me the NFL owners are still being bullied by the chief slave master. Yall are being punished for not being tough enough on them “N-words.” God given rights and constitutional guarantees do not apply is the message coming from the White House. The optics coming out of this administration is all White people  in all key positions. It resemble the “White Citizens Council”  63 years ago in Mississippi and other southern states in response to Brown vs Board of Education. I can assure you this doesn’t have anything to do with the flag, the military, or patriotism. This has more to do with maintaining a white supremacy dominant society and people like Colin Kaepernick is a threat to this way of life. Rush Limbaugh hates this fact and that’s an indication that Colin must be doing something great. Our patriotism is off the charts. We have proven this time and time again for centuries in a first class way even though we’ve been living as second class citizens. History has recorded this.

The NFL owners are giving the African American players a clear message. You are not equal to us yet. Therefore your constitutional and God given rights have to take a back seat to white supremacy. I thought you understood that. That’s why we allow you to make so much money. So enjoy it and be quiet.

Don’t scapegoat the African American NFL players because you made an awful business and political decision in 2016. Now you are reaping the benefits and liabilities of your decisions. Admit you made a mistake and move on is my advice. The sooner you admit your mistake the sooner you can get on with the rest of your lives.  African American leaders warned you time and time again what you were getting if you hire Mr. Trump to be President. But you didn’t listen. As a matter of fact they screamed it from the mountain top but you ignored the call. Learn from your mistake and move on.

There are some questions America has to ask Herself again and again. Why do I love America ? Do I love America  because it is the  pinnacle of white supremacy or am I committed to business as usual by supporting this rigged system against Black America? You see, it’s easy to shout when things are going your way but the real test comes when things are not going your way. This is a HUGE decision. But it is easy if you stand for JUSTICE