The American Reparation Plan Is About The Future Of The USA

The American Reparation Plan(TARP)  is all about the future being influenced by the past. It is not a pretty sight  because we have to use terms like white supremacy, slavery, jim crow,  lynchings, police killings, civil rights and the reconstruction era. It is what it is. It is the truth But all of these terms are interrelated and intertwined and inseparable.There are a lot of history about the USA that none of us shouldn't be  proud of and shoud not sweep it under the rug but it certain does not mean we don't love this country just the same.

Black people love this country so much more than most people in spite of the conditions we've been forced to live under. You see it is easy to love something or someone when things are going your way. The real test comes when things are more difficult. Man that is prophetic for today"s time. How do you measure up then? You see we have passed that test many times over.

 As a matter of fact, I think Black people should be honored and celebrated.  

I think that America continues to comit crimes against its own citizens and the intensity has really increased since President Trump has been in office.

We have survived unthinkable brutality from a nation that promotes human rights around the world and takes extreme pride in standing for justice for all. That's ironic isn't.   Why not protect

 your own citizens? That's the government"s sworn duty. That includes African Americans too. It is always better to lead by example. That's what I was taught as a child. America has a problem living up to its creed. If you lead by example you will have influence with our friends and enemies alike. America will be less hypocritical this way. 

As long as white supremacy has an unbelievable strong hold on this nation this nation will continue to  suffer from division. We all will suffer.  A house divided against itself cannot stand. This country has formidable enemies so we need to be on the same page. African Americans are not the enemies of America. Stop treating us that way.. We are citizens here. We love this country so much. I get angry when you mistreat us. That needs to stop yesterday.

We are tired of suffering at the hands of our own nation and there are plenty of reasons to support The American Reparation Plan(TARP). I also know millions of White Americans are tired of this too. We know that. We just want you to stand up for  justice some times. Say something . Stand for justice.Don't just stand by and watch us cry out in the wilderness. In other words it seems like your tolerance for pain when a Black person is being mistreated is way too high. You do not get outraged when a Black person is obviously mistreated or killed by the police .Something is wrong with that.We do not need that. We need justice.

 It's hard to lead when you are not living up to your own creed. Do right about you citizens first then the world will listen intently.  Remember President Trump's motto of America 1st.  Black is as American as apple pie. Can't you see you are shooting yourself in the foot by adhering to white supremacy. It's a losing proposition. It's a ponzi scheme.

Thank God for Brave "White Men" like John Brennan(CIA Director Under Obama Administration). I am so pleased to see some Strong White Men with "Balls" who are standing up to "The Pharaoh." Events like this give you hope that America can be the moral leader of the world even though progress in this area has been damaged severely. Mr. Brennan and your supporters are recognized here and need to be applauded loudly. You are the real Patriots compared to the ones who try to stifle your opinions as human beings. I get it myself because what you are experiencing is what African Americans have been experiencing for many generations. This is a huge fight but it is winnable no doubt. Justice must win. There is no other option. I have to acknowledge your stance as being on the right side of history. I can only hope that many White Americans will sound their voices loud and clear to support your right to speak out. African American leaders warned the world about The candidate Trump many times in the past.As a matter of fact they shouted it from the mountain top loud and clear. The decision not to support this candidate was a no brainer to me. I am still confused to why so many White Americans voted for this man when the evidence were in and it was not looking good for America at all. Is he or was he America's punishment? I do not know but I do know that I agree with you that He is dividing America even more than ever and that's not a good thing. I hope others are watching your lead and they are able to muster up enough courage to realize that a further  divided nation is what the enemy wants. I am not sure that African Americans can  benefit at all from another nation ruling America. I just think that America will benefit more from free African Americans. Freedom should be all of our goals.

I agree with you on this stance.. It's honorable and patriotic.

Dear Lord Please save the Lives of the children Trapped in that cave in Thailand. We don't care how you do it. Please do it. Thank You in Advance


Thank you for an answered prayer!!


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Trump Card

I admire Colin Kaepernick because he is a real American Hero

American Reparations had consumed me. Let’s take a look at how I got here. I was born in slavery because my Dad was a slave. He was a sharecropper much of his life. Sharecropping was another kind of slavery. That’s why I say that “America never intended for African Americans to be free even today .” We are a vital part of this economic system. We are the cash cow of this economic system. In the past it was not cotton. It was free labor that got this Nation off to a great start.

Founding Father, Even for the Slaves? I don't think so.

A Movie trailer is sort of like how I explain immigrants who think they know how America   got to be the greatest nation in the history of the world. They are adamant about their opinions because they have been brainwashed by American propaganda either since they’ve been here or before they got here or a combination of both. They do not have a clue that African Americans played a vital role in them coming here in the first place.