Black History Fact: America Can’t Live Without Black People

 ...Black History fact: America can’t live without Black People. America hates to admit it but it’s true. We  just celebrated Black History Month, it is important to acknowledge the real importance of all the positive and important  roles African Americans play in this country now and in the past. You can’t celebrate achievements of the greatest Nation in the history of the world without celebrating African Americans’ disproportionate contributions to this nation.  African Americans have been on the forefront since this great nation’s birth. We have supplied this nation with, slaves, business people, scientists and much more. It is truly remarkable that Black people have survived the most brutal regime in the history of the world and still have made remarkable progress. We are a part of America’s DNA and we all need to be educated about it.

Black History Should Be Celebrated Daily

This is why I say that America can’t live without Black people.She is hooked on what Black people bring to the table. She can’t exist without Black people. So we shouldn’t just accentuate our contributions just during Black History Month but should be celebrated in a big way daily without hesitation because there will be no America as we know it without Black people. Try to ignore it all you want but history has recorded otherwise. So we can’t sanitize or white wash American history as if African Americans have not contributed much to the greatest nation ever and pretend that white supremacy never hurts this nation. In my opinion, white supremacy is America’s biggest problem and fundamentally retards and skews the growth of America. It hurts all of us because it affects all aspects of our lives. For the record, immigration is not our biggest problem. White supremacy is.  It’s an injustice to all.

Black People See Through The Eyes of White Supremacy Too!

Because America is hooked on what Black people brings to the table, leaders of all persuasions can’t get a true picture of justice simply because they are trying to get justice out of white supremacy. Justice is not there. It can’t be done. Justice  and racism can’t exist together. It’s like trying to mix oil and water. African Americans have been trained to do this too. We see so much through the eyes of white supremacy. This is a false doctrine that has cause so much damage to the United States and the world. I want everybody to be free from this doctrine because you will never fix it to be just and kind no matter how you tweek or present it. Put all the lipstick and makeup on and it still will be a pig.Need I remind you The fact that we have Black History Month, Historical Black College, Black Ghettos, …. Is a product  of white supremacy.

If you read my writings I can understand that you may say that I am obsessed with white supremacy but the fact of the matter that it has caused so many problems especially in the United States. It is so troublesome when we ignore the origin of so many of our problems today. Trusted me. Knowing the cause of a problem is  liberating to me and it is be to you too. You must acknowledge the problem first of all. It’s good for White people and Black people too because they are the real stars in this racial divide. It’s good for all other races as well because they are caught in the tradewinds too. But make no mistake about it, this mainly is a Black-White issue. The power structure decides the winners and losers all the time with the African Americans assigned to the very bottom of the pecking order. I often say that America has assigned a caste like system to the African American life and livelihood and I get push back from all races when I speak to them about this subject. Here is the way it goes. White at the top, then all other race no matter where they come from. All African Americans are at the bottom. Even people from other Black nations are just a step above us. I often joke that if Alien from out of space wanted to be apart of this great society they will be pushed ahead of us in this nation because America is so dependent on  or addicted to the Black Man playing the assigned economic role we are playing now and in the past that America is afraid for Black Man to be totally free. It uncomfortable to express these ideas but let me assure you it is so liberating.

African Americans Were Never Intended To Be Free

Once you conclude that African Americans were never intended to be free ever, it is so liberating for all who can understand this concept. Even today there is  no plan now or in the near future for Black people in America to be totally free. It is nowhere on America’s “to do list.” Please realize this. America will truly be the land of opportunity then for all without a doubt. Right now the only people purposely left out is the one race of people who has contributed the most. How can you explain that as accidental. I know different. This assertion allows you to expect nothing from white supremacy. That’s a Black History fact. I repeat, you can’t get justice from white supremacy. White people can’t get justice from white supremacy either. It’s a lie. It’s liberating for everybody to know this. The sooner we know this and begin practicing true justice we will all make unbelievable progress.

Unleash The Genius Of African Americans And See For Yourself

What could really happen when America  unleashes the talents and the genius of Black America. It would save the government trillions of dollars yearly because it cost us trillions dollars to hold Us back and still is not working 100%  because white supremacy is a false doctrine and it’s not reliable. Many of Us have succeed in spite of all theses impediments. I understand it because the human spirit is made of God Stuff and you can’t conquer that.

I often say that African Americans (Black Americans) are the most incredible race of people that I know. It takes something special for us to achieve what we have achieved from slavery until today and many of us are still prospering with a sound mind. That is a miracle itself. God is with us. There is no doubt about that. Even today with boots on our necks we have achieved tremendous things in spite of it. This is  something to be extra proud. We should be shouting from the mountain top in the words of the great poet and entertainer, James Brown, “Say it Loud , I‘m Black and I am proud.” Can you think of a another race that’s survive the continuous onslaught of negative attacks and still shine like a diamond? I don’t think so in recorded history. African Americans are in a class by themselves. Every other race knows this except us. Now we know ourselves. This is our time. I am proud to be alive in this era because there is no America as we know it today without the contributions of African Americans.That’s as solid as a rock and as reliable as the rising sun each day. Our sacrifices made it possible for America to prosper without a doubt.  Now is the time for us to reap the fruits of our labor. That’s why I emphatically believe in reparations and have developed a plan that will repair all America. America needs that desperately and we don’t need leaders to continue to divide this nation. Black people are here to stay and that’s good for all. We are as American as apple pie.

African Americans are a Distinct Race of People

African Americans are a distinct race of people and we can’t be defined as people of color. This term is a watered down description of us in my opinion. Our issues are not necessarily other people issues. People of color is too broad a term. We are special and distinct. No other race have survived such an oppressive regime. I can assure you that over the hundreds of years we’ve been here under this regime,  there is no doubt in my mind that the American regime has been the most oppressive regime in the history of the world. African Americans have survived this holocaust and many of us have lived to talk about it. That’s truly amazing . In so many instances we have thrived tremendously. Ain’t God good?

A sincere, good intention America shouldn’t try to apply a one size fit all effort in their dealing with Native Black people. Our experiences are so different. This does not take away from our connections to Africa at all. It enhances it because we have been through the  wringer  and survived. Maybe the world needs to  listen to us now. We can tell you a thing or two about oppression, second class citizenship, and terrorism. We are the experts on these subjects because we have been victims for many  years.

"Make America Great Again" is Offensive to Me!

When I hear the term “Make America Great Again,” it angers me because America has never been great for Black People, never and ever. Can you point to that time in history when America has been great  for African Americans? Can you? Was it during the Jim Crow Era? Was it during Slavery? When was America great for us? When? Please explain it to me. Point it out? We can also tell you a thing or two about how to survive  the fittest test. I think America knows this. So while we just celebrated Black History Month let us not forget the contributions that African American have made to this nation financially. We are the financial juggernaut to this nation.I will continue to tell all people around the world that the America you know today was not and is not possible without the disproportionate contributions of African Americans from slavery until today. . History has recorded this and it can never be denied.

Seems Like the Whole World is Standing Standing On The Shoulders Of My Ancestors

I saw the Dr Gates program on PBS about former Speaker of the house Paul Ryan and Senator Mario Rubio. Their family stories were so compelling. Their stories can bring tears to your eyes. But being a slave and being descendants of slaves is a whole lot more compelling. It’s worse by any measure. We can all agree.  I certainly wanted to tell them to be proud of their ancestor and they should. But when you interject the fact that none of this wouldn’t have been possible without slavery it shines a new light on their journey here in America. Shouldn’t slavery music or sounds of whips lashing the backs of the under performing slaves? Or shouldn’t include the sounds of a neighborhood hanging be a footnote to these white washed stories.?

Slavery put this country on a path to riches. The promise of the American Dream was purchased on the backs of slaves. That’s an undeniable fact of history. Until this day I have never witnessed people flocking to a poor foreign land to make their dreams come true. It just don’t happen. Slavery was the beginning of wealth in this country. So please understand that I do not get the same feeling about these stories about the roughness of the early settlers in America because  I understand that the story being told isn’t exactly 100% true and I want to attempt to correct the record every time I hear one of these compelling stories. I shout at the TV or the movie. “You think that’s bad try being Black growing up then.”

I can’t even imagine how tough it was for my ancestors then. Man, they were tough people and we all need to bow to them often.They made it possible for America to  be great. All Americans are standing on the shoulders of the Ancestors of African Americans. All of these stories lack authenticity. They are incomplete stories.  It just didn’t happen that way. . That part of history has to be corrected. It is not a 100% true. Whites can not tell their stories without mentioning the painful story of how America has treated Black people. If you do otherwise you are presenting a false narrative. I wonder what Dr Gates were thinking secretly knowing that these stories are being told in a sanitized or white washed way? What are people like Paul Ryan and Mario Rubio thinking secretly? It’s a conversation that is overdue.

I can’t even imagine what  people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or even President Trump  are thinking when their stories are told. People like them are more indebted to Black people that anyone.First of all they are indebted in real time. All of them depends on marginalizing Black people to make their careers work. Rush and Sean has to continue to depend on dividing people to make their multi-million dollar livings and the President was elected by white supremacy. Not only do they depend on Black people in their present endeavors but as we have discussed earlier  that their ancestors and my ancestors are are tied together by the slavery issue which is embarrassing to all of us but it is true. Just like that commercial that plays in the Atlanta market for Grady Memorial Hospital which says Atlanta can’t live without Grady.”. America can’t live without Black People. It was not designed for that. Thank God it is time for all of us to realize this and embrace it.

America owes African Americans a debt of gratitude and a incalculable amount of money.Can’t you see how this nation started out on the wrong foot? This Nation owe us an amount of money that can never be paid. Even the ones who hate us need us to gen up support from their base. Thank God there is a God.With His help we have climbed unbelievable mountains. These experiences tells the world that there is  a God and He is certainly on the side of Black people. No way we could have made it under all these circumstance without the help of God. He’s our friend without a doubt. We survived the most oppressive regime in the history of the world and we have done more than our share to turn this Country into the envy of the ages. Wow!! That’s something to shout about. This story continues to unfold.

The Baha'i Era Has To Record History Correctly

Who‘s going to record this history correctly. The story is not been told yet. I do believe that “The Baha’i Era has the call to do this. The truth has to be told.  For instance, any person that do not know that the way this country began with slavery has an effect on where we are today is out of touch with real reality. This is why when America tries to export American style democracy to the rest of the world it never works like it works here in America.. One key ingredient is slavery. Nobody wants to talk about that do they? That’s too embarrassing. In addition to slavery you must employ a caste like system. In other words assign a segment of society to be at the bottom. Codify the laws to reflect it. Then use terrorism to inflict fear. Destroy the people who seek dignified lives by any means necessary. One “huge question should be asked when America is exporting Her style of Democracy first of all. Are there any volunteers to be slaves? Please raise your hands. We have a distinct system of government. It's not pretty if you happened to be born  Black

The American system is not a democracy. Whatever  name you give this system would not be possible without Black people. We all have to agree to that.   I do not have a name for it but I do know that Black people did not and do not have freedom of choice to participate at the level they are capable. Black history is American history and we are all served better if  and when we learn all of America’s real history. Let’s not white wash it. America can’t live without Black people.

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