Trump Will Be Removed.

President Trump will be removed from office. The Senate will be forced to open its eyes to how dangerous he is.I see that this is a crucial time in the history of America and the whole earth.Therefore it is absolutely imperative to get it right because the future of America as a positive force for the world hangs in the balance. This time in history is so important for African Americans in particular.

 Our story is intertwined in America's history like no other race of people. Our American Dream is yet to be realized.There is no way to disconnect African Americans from this American experiment  because there is no America as we know it without us. History proves this. Stop the white washing of American history. Record and report the good, bad, and the ugly.

Even this military action with Iran proves that this President is unfit for office. This is only 1 of a long list of reasons that President Trump should be removed from office. Also it gives the Senate an opportunity to vote for his removal even though this is not mentioned in the impeachment articles. Use this opportunity to remove this bully and  a future Hitler if he is not stopped soon.

 If He escapes this opportunity for the Senate to take corrective actions then we are all in heap of trouble. In my opinion he is not even qualified to run any city in America.If he did you can be sure it will be corrupted and divided. This is his expertise  and that's the last thing America need right now.

This is the President of The World . He is not overseeing the Mafia. The only solution is removal. Do it for the sake of future generations around the world.

African Americans have disproportionately contributed to this America we all know and love. We have not realized  complete justice in the form of reparations yet. A few months ago reparations was the #1 priority on my mind daily. I have a plan that would set our economy beyond the stratosphere. I know that my plan will do so much to repair America at large. I understand that reparations is not a panacea for African Americans but it sure will greatly improve our lives. Remember whatever is good for African Americans is great for America.

Even reparations is secondary to the removal of this President. He is far too destructive to any structure to the peace of this nation. I am afraid that he will destroy America  to the point that there will be nothing left especially with the possibility of him being teelevted. That would be a disaster.less wealth to pay for reparations or anything of significance.

This President is a obvious impediment to our total freedom. His actions have proven that. His actions towards African Americans are unacceptable. We are not going to accept 2nd class citizenship. That ship has sailed.

 For example, where are the high level African American officials in The Trump Administation? You can't name them because they don't exist. Just look at the pictures coming from the White House. Mostly All the people are white. The meetings looks like the  "white Citizens Council of Mississippi doing the "Jim Crow Era. That don't represent the Real America. Does it?

So much for the outreach to African Americans.

Justice for African Americans is a must. It is incomprensible that any Senator would consider keeping him in office. It's the beginming of the end of America as we know it. If you keep him in office and the whole world will suffer beyond belief. Removal is your best option. This President has been the worse nightmare for African Americans. Impressive  Black achievement under this most oppressive regime has occured  in spite of efforts to set us back even more. This is why I say that African Americans are an extraordinary race of people and they  prove it day in and day out. It's extraordinary.

 If you don't remove him even white America will suffer too. The suffering will not be limited to African Americans and other people of color. Here you have a chance to stop a Hitler like personality from injuring the whole world. It will take more courage on everybody's part.  The ball is in the Senate's court now. America and the world needs you now.

Yall, he is just that dangerous.That's the right and just thing to do. Don't ignore your moral responsibilty. He is unfit to be President. Pick your reason to remove him now because you have a wide selection of reasons.

 Pretend he is Black and your decision will be be swift without a doubt. Put the extreme white male privilege to rest. The Senate of the U. S. must remove this President in order the save the "union." This is serious. The world as we know it is changing radically by the hands of a racist and a corrupted regime.

How can you look the other way when it is so obvious what needs to happen." At what point will the Senate realize that this President is a danger to the world. Here is your opportunity to put a bully, a white supremacist, and a corrupted business person in his place.

  I know that heatlhcare, reparations, balance budget or who gonna be President in the 2020 election are super important. But it pails in comparison to the importance of removing this lawless President from office because this administration do not work for all Americans. I don't know who they works for but I am certain that they do not have my best interest at heart. This is crystal clear so why should I ignore the obvious.

 America first clearly is not on the President's mind.

The Senate must investigate the truth. I don't need more convincing myself. I was so shocked and somewhat depressed when he was hired in the first place. He came in as a racist and a very  corrupt individual. If the Senate leave him in office then they are saying white supremacy and corruption is acceptable by the leader of the most righteous nation on the planet. That is unnacceptable.

Keeping president Trump in office is wrong on so many levels. It's a Slap in the face to African American especially. How can an obvious white supremacist be elected President in modern day America in the fist place? America has been tricked. What does it take for you to wake up? He is the greatest con man in the history of the world.

You have to stand up to this bully. I know it takes a lot of courage to stand up and be counted. History will be kind to you. You know for sure that he needs to be removed.  You know what you got to do. If your head is on the sand it's time to get it out. Your way of life is completeltly threatened right now.

Extreme white male priviledge is on full display here.

 A Black President would have been  removed within 3 months in office after doing only a fraction of what this President has done. Deep in our hearts we all  know this to be true. The world knows this. Don't allow a cheater to continue to cheat after he been caught red handed. It makes no sense at all. It's not logical.

I can't imagine how embolden this corrupt President would be if we let him get way with the Ukraine fiasco. This is perhaps the tip of the iceberg of what this President's wrong doings.  That's scary. He is so corrupt. If you don't do anything now how can you sleep at night knowing that justice for america's future is in jeopardy. You can't expect the rule of law to be relevant in the future because today America has normalized racism and corruption from the highest office in the land.

America will never be the same. The idea of "a shining city on a hill" will be handed a davastating set back.

I hope yall have finally realized this job of President is far too large for Donald J. Trump. I have long time ago. He is not qualified by any measure. Something is wrong with him.The President is the real problem. I understand that it is hard to own up to a mistake especially when it seems that this administration is doing so well for a vocal minority. Others are perhaps ashamed to speak up because they are holding out hope for change soon.

 Honestly, I was one of those proud Black African Americans who never thought America would trend backwards in terms of race relations in America because I was sold on the fact that if America could see that freedom and opportunity for all is a net positive She would continue as is and build on it even more.

Now I feel like America is headed for the abyss.I hope I am wrong but you can't get unity out of division. Our diversity as a nation is our strength.This Administration is built on division and a house divided can't stand.

The elephant in the room is white male privilege. Seemingly, nobody wants to talk about this because it is so painful. It's hard to admit that we have a heavy and burdensome task ahead even in enlightened America.

I dare you to imagine what it will be like if we were the real united states. We have never seen that ever. Let's  talk about prosperity and progress when unity is present. No nation in the world would ever compare to us. It will not happen when we are lead by division instead of unity.

When unity prevails then The United States will have a brand new meaning to millions of Americans and perhaps billions around the the world because the worlds looks to America for leadership.