Reparations is A Bridge Over Troubled Waters

The American Reparation Plan (TARP) is a Bridge over troubled waters as we find ourselves in the midst of  an awakening and a pandemic in  America and indeed around the world. Racism against African Americans is in everybody's face now once again. The murder of Mr.  George Floyd by a Minneapolis policemen was so gruesome that it shocked and moved the entire world to tears and shame.

"The Real America is exposed for sure now.

African Americans know that racism and white supremacy is the most dominant force in America. This is not news to us. It has been a big impediment to this nation's spiritual progress for so many years. I am  extremely glad that so many other people of all races are beginning to get the message  now.

 This is the perfect time for reparations. This pandemic and recent police murders have all conspired to force America to look in the mirror. It is obvious that systematic racism is worse than what all of us could ever imagine. It's shocking many Black folks too. We dont need a study. We need to be made whole financially as much as possible because at the root of it all is financial insecurity that has been embedded in this society since the slave ships landed here in America.

 Let's be clear that America can never pay us enough money for all the pain America has caused us.  But on the other hand, doing nothing is not acceptable either anymore. Doing nothing is not an option.We all see the enequities brougt on by a system that never intended for Black Man to ever be free in America. The foundation of America has been built on  white supremacy. You can't expect to get justice from an unjust system. It's time to change this system.

The American Reparation Plan will go a long way in doing what really needs to be done in America. The American Reparation Plan is pure"trickle up economics. This kind of economics will repair America. The reason why this coronavirus stimulus did not help a high percentage of Black people is because that's the way it was designed. It was designed to help predominantly White People. That's what it did too. That's business as usual. That's maintaining the status quo. As a matter of fact it inhance the status quo by sending trillions of dollars to the people who needed the least. Correct me ifI am wrong.

It also

shows that the government can play an important role in the citizens'lives but it has to be more fairly distributed. How can you expect it to do good when the most  help is sent to the ones that need the help the least. You can't expect that to work for the people who really need it. The order is backwards. Unemployment and financial insecurity is still rampant in most Black neigborhoods. That's the way this system is designed. Black people are the least important member of this society. We've been assigned second class citizenship and that is unacceptable to me. White none citizens enjoy more rights , priviledges, and help than African Americans. Many of them know this before they arrive on these shores. That's the cold hearted truth.

 You can't blame the police alone about the mistreatment of Black Americans.They are the first responders for white supremacy. They get their marching orders from the most powerful. Where is their punishment?

The logic behind putting money in the hands of the powerful so that it will trickle down to the rest is wishful thinking. Tricle down economics never worked and never will work.

This coronavirus stimulus( about $6 trillion)  helped the ones that need it the least.The American Reparation Plan will do the opposite. This is the purest form of" Trickle up economics." This has never been tried.

It is time for The American Reparation Plan.

It will repair all America. We all can agree that America needs repairing in a big way today. There is no better time for reparations. $1 trillion a year paid directly to the descendants of slaves each year for 30 years will help Black America live out their dreams and will help others live out their dreams as well, guaranteed!

The American Reparation Plan will allow for all adult African Americans to receive from $2500-$4000/month for 30 years. This will stimulate our economy more than anyone can imagine. For the most part, Each adult will get $1 million dollars over a 30 year reparation  period. So much of what we are experiencing now is all related to economics. The oppressed seems to always lack resources.

For those people who really want to improve on Black Lives have to know that economics is crucial to addressing problems that have been exposed and further exacerbated by the coronavirus and recent police killings you got to realize that reparations is a long term solution.

This is a economic battle that should not exist between Americans. Reparations is not the great equalizer. The American Reparation Plan certainly will be a bridge over troubled waters. A long term economic plan and committment is what is needed. All these companies' generosity is just not enough to make a big difference long term. We need real corrective actions coming from the federal government. The federal government suppose to make all things fair and can no longer be the biggest problem that comes against Black America either by supporting unfair policies or failing to act fairly when upholding the law that assures justice for all. We can no longer accept second class citizenship on America.

We are obligated to tear down these walls because oppressed people everywhere is looking to us for leadership. If African Americans can get free in America, it gives hope for anybody in the world to be free. The world understand that this nation has been the most oppressive regime for Black people in the history of the world. The flood gates will open when African Americans are free in America. Let's open those gates now.