Playing With Fire

Would President Trump still be in Office if He was a Black Man? The answer is absolutely not. We all know this. Why aren't the media pointing this out. "The elephant in the room" is extreme white male privilege.........We are playing with fire. 

The Impeachment and Removal  of President Trump is More Important than Reparations

If President Trump was Black Do you think He would Still be in Office?

Would President Trump still be in Office if He was a Black Man? The answer is absolutely not. We all know this. Why aren't the media pointing this out. "The elephant in the room" is extreme white male privilege.........We are playing with fire.

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...Americans are playing with fire if we don't think President Trump should be impeached and removed. I personally think that he should resign immediately.  Resignation is the least disruptive solution. The impeachment or removal of President Trump is more important than reparations at this point in history simply because if this President is not removed from office soon  there will not be any resources left. He is the most dangerous person to Black America and all America. Most African Americans knew this even before a vote was caste. We instinctively knew how dangerous He was. Now the whole world see it. We told you but you didn't listen.

 That's why shortly after the election many of us(African Americans) were in a deep depression. Our worst  nightmare was unfolding right before our eyes and I temporarily felt hopeless and even stunned like a deer in headlights. How could this happen? America suppose to be moving forward. I felt that history was repeating itself once again. White America had betrayed us once again. Who is on our side?  I asked myself. We knew most Americans knew he was a corrupt white supremacist at the time. Right now everybody knows who he is and and many are still supportive of him. How can you explain that unless you are a white supremacist or a strong supporter of white supremacy. That's the reality.  All doubts have been removed whether or not he is a racist so you can't say I've been tricked or I didn't know.

 He is the wrong person to be in office at any time.In the words of Representative Elijah Cummings, "We are better than this." We are playing with fire now to allow this President to stay in office. I think that there should be a ground swell of American citizens asking for his resignation. I am one person who wants him to resign soon and take Vice President Pence with him and about 20 other high ranking officials with him as well and let The speaker of The House be President for the rest of  his term . The world can't take another year of this Presidency. We certainly can't take 5 more years. You will not be able to recognize this country then for sure. Are we trying to put "lipstick on a pig here?" Have we all misjudged the gravity of the situation? I think so. There is enough blame to go around. Elections have consequences. where we are now as a nation is a perfect example of that.

This is a crucial time in American history. I say this because even the ones charged with oversight and support of the impeachment inquiry are not passionate enough to get the job done so far. I really don't think that they understand how urgent this matter is. Is this a classic  case of good versus evil? Good must win .Am I overstating the apparent seriousness of the situation? I think not.One thing for sure, this American justice system seems to grind so slowly. The clock is running down and we are heading for the cliff.I think we need to take harsh corrective action.Ask the President to resign is the best way to cost less harm to this Republic. Maybe we need to scream extremely loud to draw more desperate attention to the urgency of the matter. We have ignored " the elephant in the room, extreme white male privilege on full display here.This is the most perfect example of extreme white male privilege that I've seen in the 21st century. If this President was Black he would have been removed from office already.

Sticking With Tradition is "Playing with Fire"

 Perhaps we are so accustomed to the tradition of  white male privilege that we fail to recognize the extreme danger it causes to all of us, black or white, blue or green, or anywhere in between. This is a danger because white privilege is a by  product of the false doctrine of white supremacy. We are playing with fire. America is misjudging the severity of the Trump Doctrine because it is based on the extreme case of white privilege. If  this President was Black he would have been removed already. All Americans and the whole world know this to be true. This is a generational American curse. It has to be dealt with now. You can't hide it anymore. Our survival as a nation hangs in the balance.


This is the most perfect time to bring  white male privilege to an end because what's at stake is so much more important. We can no longer honor this generational curse because it is an extreme danger to America and the world. It is on full display with this President. No one man is this important now or ever. He has to go. If he stays in He will hurt more people than just Black. He will harm all of us.Resignation or removal of him and his crew has to happen.

 America can't be polite about it either. There ought to be some screaming going on here because this President is driving this Nation off the cliff and we are not alarmed appropriately in my opinion. American security is in jeopardy.

 This President is way too dangerous. He has an opportunity to destroy America and our leaders are asleep. We can dress it up as much as we like but when the rubber hits the road we all know we have neglected our sacred duty to elect a President that would represent all Americans. He is unstable and we all know it. We have elected a President who is  "hell bent on destroying America. We appear to be hopeless to prevent the damage he is causing. The process is too slow.

  I keep asking myself, is this good or bad for Black America. I don't have a definitive answer yet. So we can make an attempt to save this nation from a tyrant that does not work for the best interest of America and especially Black America(the conscience of America) and that's not good for anybody. If you are against African Americans then you are against America. Please get this point. African Americans are not going away. We are here, patriotic and strong, and the more you try to ignore this the more apparent this truth is highlighted. At what point will all American see the light that if you think this President is above the law now can you imagine how emboldened he is gonna be if he escapes this punishment. He is certainly unfit for office. He is lawless. The appropriate situation would be for him to resign at the urging of many of his powerful associates. He and his cohorts are rotten to the core. I can't understand why he's got support from anybody but the the white supremacist. It just don’t  make sense to me otherwise. What we are really seeing here is extreme white male privilege. It's the elephant in the room that even the well meaning better recognized.

 How can you ignore what's going on in this country about this impeachment inquiry.  If we are not involved in politics we are still affected by what's going on right now. You could say now that this obvious corruption in our nation is systemic almost beyond measure and this President is the head criminal. He is the  divider in chief.He is efficient at that. By the way, a divided house can't stand .


God is on our side.I am so Proud to be Black 

I heard Rush say that because African Americans are doing so well under this President that he is puzzled why this President only gets about 10% of Black support. I've got a bigger question Rush. How in the heck any Black person can support a notorious white Supremacist like him? The fact that 10% Black people is supportive of President Trump is beyond puzzling to me. How could that happen? I don't get it. If some Black people are doing so well, and some are, it is a testimonial to the extraordinary race of people we are. I think in reality most other races know that we are extraordinary in spite of this most oppressive Trump regime.  We still have a boot on our neck and manage to excel in the most oppressive Government regime(American System) in the history of the world for African Americans .

Also, there is no doubt God is on our side no matter who is against us. We have made tremendous progress in spite of This Trump Administration's effort to stand against our long term progress.I see it as another miracle in the long history of miracles of African Americans in the United State. We are an extraordinary race of people and today this fact is on full display as well. I am so proud to be Black.Where we are in terms of race relations is so obvious to me. Why is  this President still in office? Truthfully, All the corruption that is going on now with this Trump Administration is only being tolerated because he is white. White supremacy is as American as apple pie. We have to deal with it.

 It is costing us too much.USA is only operating about 10 to 20% of capacity. Can you imagine how far ahead we would be if true justice for African Americans was a reality? We would truly be that shining city on a hill. No way this President should be still in office. He has lowered all standards to be President of the Greatest country in the history of the  world.By the way, descendants of former enslaved people have disproportionately contributed to this wonderful Nation of God. I am so proud of that.

  Apparently, President Trump has inspired crime bosses all over the country. Even they feel that can be President now. It is urgent that we "nip it in the bud" now. Now is the time for all the strong moral leaders to  "man up." They need to join me in asking for this President's resignation Asap. America is playing with fire.

 Americans know that another year of this President would be devastating beyond recognition and I am not so sure that the fall out will be more damaging to Black people if we continue to let White people lead the fight. In other words, perhaps we can lessen the suffering if we stand more out front and lead the fight.

Many of us(African Americans) have been "woke about Donald Trump way before he became President and we are even more shocked at his behavior and the people that support him. His corruption and racism is even worse than we thought. But we are here now and what we need to figure out is what we need to do going forward. But on the other hand,there is no guarantee that standing out front to fight will  guarantee fairness in this white supremacy system. Dr King said the time is always right to do right. Even while we celebrate Veterans, I here so many complaints about Black Veterans treatment by the Veterans Administration. This is absolutely shameful. I have to remind myself not to be shocked because history tells the story clearly.History tells this story over and over again. I've often said that this nation never intended for Black to be free ever. Now even in the 21st century that is still true. But full equality in this Nation is not guaranteed no matter who is in office unless they are committed to justice for all as mentioned in our founding documents. Sadly, as a result we have to choose the lesser of 2 evils. So we have to make sacrifices now and invest in the future.

 Also in reality I just can't understand why anybody can support this President even before the impeachment inquiry. Remember under his watch he put kids in cages and separated kids from there families. Remember that? That's a disqualifier for me. In addition, in Mississippi this government separated American citizens children from their parents in an ICE raid.These children will never be the same after being separated from their parents. That's inhumane.  I don't understand why you support him. It does not matter whether you black, white, blue or green, or some where in between, there is no way that anybody should be supporting a ruthless regime like this. Am I missing something here? He is a danger to all races in America. He is a danger to all white America too. He is hugely danger to African Americans but nobody is safe with him in office.

 White supremacy has been the strongest generational force in America since the beginning and that includes religion in my opinion.Now we are caught in this hurricane of a force. Intellectually we know what are up against but morally we do not have strength to overcome it. Instead of having that herculean fight for justice. We compromise. The fight for the " shining city on a hill " must continue because that is the divine destiny of America for sure. To think that it is only for white people is a dead end street. Blacks are imcluded too. Many may not like that but Blacks are part on The DNA of America.The soul of America is on the line. The conscience of America (African Americans) is crying out to pull this country from the brink.



Black people will determine whether or not the president stays in office. That's powerful.  But we have to speak out forcefully. That's why he is doing this phony Black outreach. He wants to further suppress the Black vote. He can't afford to do anything of substance for Black America because that will eat into his real base(white supremacy) support. Black support and white supremacy support do not mix. This plain and simply. This is a clever attempt to suppress the Black vote. Don't fall for it.

America you are playing with fire. No one man is this important.  America your conscience(African Americans) told you not to hire this man for president but your were thick headed and did it anyway. Now you are reaping  what you have sown. It's time to stand up and be counted.