Reparations Is The Next Step In The History Of The USA

Reparations is  the next step in the history of this great country. African Americans are still the  cash cow for this nation. Mr. Vance, there is no doubt about it. Mr. Coates only reminds all of America the long standing  injustices  and broken promises to former slaves and their descendants.  

Let me remind you that Black Americans  have been  really loyal Americans. We are owed reparations.  Kicking the can further down the road is counterproductive. Reparations should be supported by all American including you. Black Americans have stood in the gap and sacrificed unwillingly for you and your friends, families and colleagues for hundreds of years and still are doing it today.

 Show some appreciation. Support a just cause. No fair minded  person can work against this unless they are absent of the facts. We provided  you with a prosperous opportunity while we were denied ours. You should be on the reparation band wagon simply because it is the right thing to do. Don’t you believe in justice for all people? Or do you believe in justice for all people except Black people especially those in the United States. 

No amount of money can make it completely right but an inheritance of reparations surely would make our lives a lot better. I will go a step further and say all America will benefit just as much and I think White America  will benefit the most. I  am serious.

Honestly you come across as a racist. I hope you deny this because I want to believe that you are just uninformed. I am being objective. I cannot understand  how a 21st century White man could have such out dated beliefs especially with all the information available to you through science and technology. 

The information is there. Research it.  Do a google search. If you lived in the 19th century it is a real good chance you would be a slave owner. You are not the only one.

 I say this  not to anger you but to wake you up. There is no way a man with justice in his heart can justify damaging a whole race of people for hundreds of years  and still feel that this Government  and society do not owe them anything. It’s a classic case of blaming the victim.

I suggest you get to know some Black people. Read  about  us. Read our history. It’s American history too. We are 100% American.

The Overwhelming Case for Reparations.

I still cannot understand  why you  have to respond to Mr. Coates article at all because any just person knows reparations will repair all of America not just the descendants of slaves. Personally I am so excited about the prospects of reparations. I am so glad Mr. Coates wrote on this subject. The article should have been name “The Overwhelming Case for Reparations.” I am sure that what he meant .

I admire Colin Kaepernick because he is a real American Hero

Founding Father, Even for the Slaves? I don't think so.

A Movie trailer is sort of like how I explain immigrants who think they know how America   got to be the greatest nation in the history of the world. They are adamant about their opinions because they have been brainwashed by American propaganda either since they’ve been here or before they got here or a combination of both. They do not have a clue that African Americans played a vital role in them coming here in the first place.